Friday, December 30, 2011

Disgraced gamer PR guy says 'uncle'

Paul Christoforo

By Suzanne Choney

Paul Christoforo, the gaming hardware marketer who went from anonymity to infamy this week, irking thousands of gamers, appears to have reached the level needed for forgiveness: A huge helping of Humble Pie.

Christoforo, fired as a marketing representative for N-Control's Avenger controller attachment after treating a holiday customer quite poorly, then went onto to play hardball with his successor, who said on Reddit that Christoforo would not relinquish Avenger's "email addresses, website, and other assets" unless he got a new contract guaranteeing him continued pay.

Mois?s Chiullan, the new marketing guy, said that Christoforo told him, "If they don't give me what I want, it's war."

The war was being carried out all over the Web, not only on Reddit, but on Twitter and other public forums. Things seemed to reach a crescendo Friday with a story in the The Escapist. After made inquiries, emails from both Christoforo and Chiullan?arrived at the same moment.

"N-Control and I do not detract or take back the statements made on Reddit, but the situation has changed substantially since the ...? story was written," said Chiullan in the email to "We have come to an understanding with Mr. Christoforo regarding the assets and records in question, and he is being very forthcoming in restoring our access across the board. He wants all of this to stop, and so do we. We're glad that all concerned are going into the new year on the right footing."

And this was what we heard from Christoforo: "I think it's fair to say I have been through enough and I am trying to put this behind me and move forward and I am quite seriously losing my sanity over all this," he said in an email. "It's very unhealthy from myself and my family to have to go through this."

More on this game industry soap opera from's In-Game:


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Texas - Holiday White Christmas Weather Forecasts

Will Your State Have a White Christmas?


Here are the lists of locations in Texas for which meteorologists and statisticians have gathered climate data on the chances of a Texas White Christmas. Listings are for snow depths of 1 inch, 5 inches, and 10+ inches respectively in select cities in Texas. You can also check the statistics on other state White Christmas probabilities here. Once you have explored the snow statistics for the holidays, take the White Christmas Quiz.

Texas White Christmas Forecasts

Percent Chance of a Texas White Christmas


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Amarillo 7%0%0%
Austin 0%0%0%
Beeville 0%0%0%
Brownsville 0%0%0%
College Station 0%0%0%
Corpus Christi 0%0%0%
Dallas 0%0%0%
Del Rio 0%0%0%
El Paso 0%0%0%
Galveston 0%0%0%
Houston 0%0%0%
Kingsville 0%0%0%
Lubbock 3%0%0%
Lufkin 0%0%0%
McAllen 0%0%0%
Midland 0%0%0%
Port Arthur 0%0%0%
San Angelo 0%0%0%
San Antonio 0%0%0%
Victoria 0%0%0%
Waco 0%0%0%
Wichita Falls 3%0%0%

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Source: National Climatic Data Center Research Customer Service Group

Suggested Reading - More Winter Resources

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

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QUICK HITS: Texas 21, California 10

Posted by Bryan Fischer

TEXAS WON. It wasn't pretty, and they still didn't see much out of the offense, but it was a win for the Longhorns. If you're a Texas fan, you had to be impressed with what coordinator Manny Diaz has done all season long with the defense and the Holiday Bowl served as a great way to finish out the year. After neither team went to a bowl game last year, it was interesting to see how they respond to the layoff and it appeared to be not well. Cal turned the ball over five times and quarterback Zach Maynard was sacked six times - largely the difference in a game that was pretty close for three quarters.

WHY TEXAS WON. Don't look at the offense, which struggled most of the night. Quarterback David Ash was given the start and despite having issues moving the ball through the air early, got the ball in the hands of his playmakers. The reason the Longhorns will be able to enjoy their trip back to Austin however, is because of Diaz' defense. The front seven was particularly active and put plenty of pressure on Maynard. They also bottled up running back Isi Sofele, who showed some flashes but was limited after scoring a touchdown in the 3rd quarter. Underclassmen Jackson Jeffcoat and Jordan Hicks were particularly active with two sacks each.

WHEN TEXAS WON. Cal had threatened several times throughout the game but always seemed to shoot themselves in the foot. In great field position following a punt return, the offense just started to go backward and then Adrian Phillips sacked Maynard, who committed the fourth turnover of the night by fumbling. Reggie Wilson recovered and on the next play, Marquise Goodwin ran it 36 yards to set the Longhorns up inside the 10. On the first play of the 4th quarter, Cody Johnson punched it in from the four-yard line to push the lead to 21-10.

WHAT TEXAS WON. It was a disappointing season by the Longhorns' high standards but plenty of programs would be happy with a bowl win and eight wins. With such a young team, Mack Brown hopes this win can be a building block for next season. Sticking with Ash despite his early struggles seemed to indicate that he would be the guy going into 2012. The halftime adjustments were really good and both sides of the ball came alive in the second half. It's not the bowl win Texas wanted but a win is a win.

WHAT CALIFORNIA LOST. The ball for one. The Bears fumbled four times against Texas after only coming into the game with eight. The offense had issues up front all night and Sofele finished with just 58 yards rushing. The lone bright spot might be the kickers and that's not something to be proud of. The defense had its moments but couldn't stop a couple of big plays after bailing out the offense several times. This game was billed as a revenge match because of what happened a few years ago with the BCS but Cal didn't exactly fight like they wanted to win the game.

FINAL GRADE: This game was the definition of ugly for the entire first half. It wasn't as though the defenses were great - they were solid - but the offenses never could get anything going. Were it not for a few big plays out of Goodwin, there wouldn't be much to write home about on this one. The storyline coming into the game was about Cal's BCS snub in favor of Texas a few years ago but after watching this one, it would have been ok if the Holiday Bowl selection committee had snubbed both of these teams based on the way they played. At least Bevo enjoyed the San Diego weather and went home happy. GRADE: C


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Paul's surge prompting a new look from GOP voters

Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, speaks during a campaign stop in Dubuque, Iowa, Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, speaks during a campaign stop in Dubuque, Iowa, Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Chris Noth, a Ron Paul supporter, holds up a sign outside Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign stop in Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)

Traffic passes a campaign sign for Republican presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, at an instersection in Ankeny, Iowa Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

SAN ANTONIO (AP) ? Ron Paul wants to legalize pot and shut down the Federal Reserve. He thinks the federal government has no authority to outlaw abortion, no business bombing Iran to keep it from acquiring a nuclear weapon, and no justification to print money unless it's backed up by gold bars.

And he might win the Iowa caucuses.

The closer the first votes of the 2012 presidential campaign get, the more competitive the Texas congressman has become. It's a moment his famously fervent supporters have longed for. Plenty of others are asking: What's Ron Paul about, again?

As in his two prior quixotic campaigns for president, Paul has toiled for months as a fringe candidate best known for staking out libertarian positions. As every other Republican candidate lined up to attack President Barack Obama's health care law and to promise tax cuts, Paul again demanded audits of the Federal Reserve and a return to the gold standard.

Leading in some state polls, Paul is getting a look from mainstream voters in Iowa, where the 76-year-old obstetrician has emerged as a serious contender in the Jan. 3 caucuses ? and in other early voting states, should he pull off a victory.

The sudden rush of attention to Paul's resume hasn't been kind. He's spent the past week disowning racist and homophobic screeds in newsletters he published decades ago, including one following the 1992 riots in Los Angeles that read, "Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to collect their welfare checks three days after rioting began."

"Everybody knows I didn't write them and they're not my sentiments, so it's sort of politics as usual," Paul said during a recent Iowa campaign stop.

Looking to cut into Paul's support, rivals laid into him on Tuesday.

In an interview on CNN, Newt Gingrich said Paul holds "views totally outside the mainstream of virtually every decent American." And Rick Santorum chided, "The things most Iowans like about Ron Paul are the things he's least likely to accomplish and the things most Iowans are worried about about Ron Paul are the things he can accomplish."

Paul returns to Iowa on Wednesday, giving his impressive grass-roots organization in the state a last chance to present, and perhaps defend, positions he's staked out over a long political career and reiterated during the 13 Republican debates held this year.

Paul has served a dozen terms in Congress as a Republican, but he espouses views that have made him the face of libertarianism in the U.S. He blames both Republicans and Democrats for running up the federal debt and opposes any U.S. military involvement overseas. He wants to bring home all troops from all U.S. bases abroad.

He vows to do away with five Cabinet-level departments ? Commerce, Education, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, and Interior ? and repeal the amendment to the Constitution that created the federal income tax. He opposes federal flood insurance and farm subsidies and wants to remove marijuana from the federal list of controlled substances while allowing states to decide how to regulate it.

He says he'll cut $1 trillion out of the first budget he offers as president. He doesn't believe in a border fence but says illegal immigrants shouldn't get a free education in public schools.

He's reliably described by political pundits as non-establishment, quirky, unorthodox. During a Republican debate in Sioux City, Iowa, earlier this month, Paul defended his views and rejected the idea that they make him unelectable.

"The important thing is, the philosophy I'm talking about is the Constitution and freedom, and that brings people together," Paul said. "It brings independents in the fold and it brings Democrats over on some of these issues."

Paul doesn't always side with the most extreme conservative proposals. When it comes to Gingrich's suggestion that judges could be hauled before Congress to explain their rulings, Paul joined other Republicans in dismissing the idea.

Paul's recent surge in Iowa isn't the first time the GOP establishment has been forced to pay attention to him. A fundraising blitz that netted $5 million in one day in 2008 led Republican operatives to weigh whether he was a bigger threat to siphon votes than previously thought.

Now he may be in his best position yet to do more than just steal votes.

"I see this philosophy as being very electable, because it's an American philosophy, it's the rule of law," Paul said.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Spire: A New Legal Siri Port For Any iOS 5 Device

siri-spireWell-known iOS hacker?chpwn?(aka Grant Paul) along with?Ryan Petrich?have?released?a new tool for installing Siri on jailbroken phones. The Siri port, called "Spire," works on any phone that can run iOS 5. However, because Apple only officially supports Siri requests coming from the iPhone 4S, a proxy server address is still required. Oh, there's one more thing: Spire is legal.


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China, Japan unveil deals to tighten finance ties

(AP)? BEIJING ? Chinese and Japanese leaders have unveiled initiatives to tighten financial links between East Asia's economic giants and sometime rivals ? measures that could expand use of China's tightly controlled currency abroad.

During a visit to Beijing by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, the two governments said Sunday they will encourage use of their own currencies for trade, which now is conducted mostly in U.S. dollars.

They also agreed to have Japanese companies sell bonds denominated in China's yuan, a move that could help promote Beijing's gradual campaign to expand use of its currency abroad.


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Monday, December 26, 2011

Lions in, Eagles out, heading into NFL finales (AP)

The Lions are in; the Eagles are out. Atlanta is closing in on a playoff berth, as is Cincinnati, while the Bears, Jets and Raiders need some help.

All part of a wild closing act to the NFL season.

With two games remaining this weekend before teams hunker down for their finales (Chicago at Green Bay on Sunday night, Atlanta at New Orleans on Monday night), the most notable news was made by Detroit.

The last time the Lions were a force, Barry Sanders was in their backfield. Sanders retired after the 1998 season, and Detroit made the postseason the next year then plummeted to the bottom of the league. In 2008, the Lions posted the only 0-16 record in NFL history.

Now, they're in the chase for the championship. Their 38-10 rout of San Diego secured an NFC wild card.

"Once you get to the playoffs, it's anybody's ballgame," defensive end Cliff Avril said. "The city of Detroit needs it. They've been waiting on us to win for a while. It's such a football town and we haven't been winning, so it's huge."

At 10-5, the Lions join North champion Green Bay, West winner San Francisco and South leader New Orleans in the postseason parade. Either Dallas or the New York Giants also will get there ? they meet next Sunday night at the Meadowlands in a winner-take-all matchup.

So if the Cowboys and Giants, both 8-7, are battling for the NFC East crown, where does that leave the Eagles, the most disappointing team in the league?

Dreaming of the playoffs.

The team that "won" free agency after the NFL lockout by signing such prizes as cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha, defensive end Jason Babin and receiver Steve Smith needs to beat Washington next Sunday to finish at .500. Not much return on the dollar for Philly.

"If we had gotten into the playoffs, we would have definitely done some damage," Michael Vick said after the Eagles (7-8) beat Dallas 20-7 on Sunday. "It's unfortunate we didn't. That's the game of football. We made some mistakes early (this season) and got behind in the win-loss column. But we're just happy we're finishing strong."

Finishing strong but going to the playoffs: New England, which won its seventh in a row by rallying from a 17-0 hole to beat Miami 27-24. It was the 10th time this season a team has come back from at least 17 points to win, the most in a single NFL season.

"All the while, we never gave up on one another and never said anything negative to one another," defensive lineman Vince Wilfork said. "Going down 17-0 is a pretty big deficit, but once again this team showed its character."

The AFC East champion Patriots (12-3) would get home-field advantage for the playoffs by beating Buffalo next weekend.

Green Bay (13-1 heading into its home game against Chicago) needs one more win to grab the home-field edge in the NFC.

That's the simple stuff. As for the chaotic, well, just one look at the AFC wild-card race after Sunday's results can make your head spin.

Suffice to say that the Bengals (9-6) are in control. But if they lose to Baltimore (11-4), which needs a victory to clinch the AFC North over Pittsburgh (also 11-4), it brings three other teams into play for the final AFC berth: Tennessee, Oakland and the New York Jets.

The Jets (8-7), like Philadelphia, are one of the NFL's major flops this year. For much of the stretch drive, the Jets were in charge of the chase for the second AFC wild card. They kept messing up, though, and after Sunday's ugly 29-14 loss to the Giants, they barely are relevant.

"We play this game to win the Super Bowl," star cornerback Darrelle Revis said. "So even to be talking about that excites me, and I think it excites the team for us to go out there and try to win the Super Bowl. That's what it's about. It's not about nothing else."

Unless everyone else in the AFC wild-card scramble loses, Revis and company can forget the Super Bowl this winter.

Among the notable individual performance in Week 16:

? Reggie Bush went over 1,000 yards rushing for the first time in his career, gaining 113 in Miami's loss to New England.

? The Rams' Steven Jackson ran for 103 yards in a 27-0 loss to Pittsburgh to go over 1,000 on the season for the seventh straight year.

? Seattle's Marshawn Lynch scored the first TD rushing against San Francisco all season, a 4-yarder. It was the 11th straight game in which he had a touchdown.

? 49ers kicker David Akers set an NFL record with 42 field goals for the season, including four in the 19-17 win at Seattle.

? Carolina's Cam Newton broke Peyton Manning's NFL rookie record for yards passing in a season with 3,893 as the Panthers routed Tampa Bay 48-16.

? Denver's Willis McGahee joined Ricky Watters as the only players to reach 1,000 yards rushing with three teams. He previously did it with Buffalo and Baltimore.


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Congress punts hard payroll tax work to 2012 (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? President Barack Obama signed into law a two-month payroll tax cut extension on Friday, capping a year of fierce partisan combat over taxes and spending that will resume in January and play heavily in the 2012 elections.

The Senate and the House of Representatives, by voice votes in chambers nearly emptied for the holidays, passed a $33 billion (21 billion pounds) bill to keep the payroll tax rate at 4.2 percent through February. It had been scheduled to increase on January 1 to 6.2 percent. Obama swiftly signed the bill.

"We have a lot more work to do," the president said at the White House. "This continues to be a make-or-break moment for the middle class ... There are going to be some important debates next year."

Obama heads to vacation in Hawaii with an important political win in his portfolio after he and fellow Democrats prevailed in the message war by backing lower taxes for middle-class Americans in the midst of a fragile economic recovery.

The battle took a toll on House Republicans led by Speaker John Boehner, who were forced to make an embarrassing retreat and agree to a short-term deal Thursday after getting hit by critics on all sides, include their colleagues in the Senate.

The temporary fix lets lawmakers lower the curtain, for now, on a year of political deadlock that in the end produced only a series of inconclusive truces. The fiscal policy debate is set to rage straight through the 2012 election season and beyond.

While Congress is on a long winter break now and does not return to full swing until late January, newly appointed negotiators are expected to begin work soon on figuring out how to pay for extending the payroll tax cut through 2012.

Republicans have sought a continued freeze on federal worker pay and cuts in Medicare benefits for the wealthy. Democrats have rejected both ideas while proposing a surtax on the wealthy to cover the extension's cost. Republicans reject this.

Both sides have been open to cutting federal workers' pension benefits. There also were last-minute Senate negotiations last week on possibly ending some tax breaks for the wealthy, such as a small one involving corporate jets.

Minutes after the bipartisan deal was passed by Congress, the bickering that has come to dominate Capitol Hill resumed.

Republican Representative Tom Price, a leader of House conservatives, immediately criticized the short-term extension, calling it a "two-month punt" and saying it would not have been needed if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, and Obama had "been willing to do their job today."


In a sign that the battle is far from over, Reid signaled that Democrats could renew their push for a surtax on wealthier Americans. Democrats had dropped that demand during the year-end negotiations that produced the two-month deal.

"There is nothing off the table," he said.

Obama scored a victory in the payroll tax struggle over Tea Party conservatives in the House who tried to block the two-month extension. They backed down on Thursday in the face of bipartisan criticism, but they are not going away.

Representative Tim Huelskamp, a first-term Republican, said on CNN that he was disappointed with Republican leadership caving in to pressure and accepting the two-month deal.

Next year could be a rough one for Boehner, the top House Republican, said Norm Ornstein, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank.

Boehner spent 2011 having to negotiate with many of his own party members on just about every major piece of legislation.

Now that House Republicans have had to go along with Democrats in the payroll tax debate, "the idea that this group of angry Tea Party Republicans, who feel betrayed, now will go along or that Boehner will be more capable of defying them is a little bit wrong-headed," Ornstein said.

Meanwhile, Democrats might be emboldened, believing "they've learned to play poker," he added.

Patrick Griffin, associate director Of American University's Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies, said House Republicans "overplayed their hand. How they interpret that lesson will be very interesting."

Any edge conferred on Democrats might be short-lived, however. The 2012 election cycle is just set to kick off with the Iowa Republican presidential caucus on January 3 and a long road lies ahead until voters go to the polls in November.

The payroll tax funds the Social Security retirement pension system. If it had been allowed to rise, the increase would have hit the wallets of 160 million working Americans.

The $33 billion needed to pay for the two-month extension will be raised by increasing fees charged by housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for guaranteeing mortgages.

Analysts said the fee hike, which investors will likely pass along to borrowers, could raise financing costs for mortgages, but probably not enough to slow a housing market recovery.

Unemployment benefits set to expire soon were extended as well, while cuts in payments to doctors who treat patients in the government-backed Medicare health insurance program for the elderly were postponed, under the bill signed by Obama.

Also included in it was a Republican initiative aiming to force the administration into fast approval of an oil pipeline opposed by environmentalists and many Democrats. The provision gives Obama 60 days to either approve TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Gulf of Mexico facilities in Texas, or declare it not in the national interest.

Obama wants more time to evaluate the environmental impact of routing the pipeline through sensitive areas of Nebraska. The White House has said that if pushed for a decision within 60 days, the administration would be forced to reject the project.

Not extending the payroll tax cut, analysts warned, could have jeopardized the recovery, even risking another recession.

The modest two-month fix drew fire from some businesses that said it will complicate payroll processing and tax planning.

The payroll situation "could get more confusing," said Robert Gard, an accountant with Gard and LaFreniere LLC in Alpharetta, Georgia. If the tax is not extended at the end of February, businesses will need to reprogram software, he said.

(Reporting by Richard Cowan, Rachelle Younglai, Patrick Temple-West, Margaret Chadbourn and Ayesha Raschoe. Writing by Kevin Drawbaugh; editing by Mary Milliken)


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Magnetic Bacteria!

I?ve mentioned magnetic bacteria a couple of times now, so I got quite excited when Lucas Brouwers alerted me to a recent paper in Science (ref below) that explored a whole new group of magnetic bacteria. As I?ve covered before, these magnetotactic bacteria contain small nanoparticles of magnetic material which allow them to swim along magnetic field lines.

It isn?t just one clear species of bacteria that has magnetotactic ability, rather there are several different groups of bacteria of different ?shapes and sizes. Some of these are large multicellular bacterial groups, while others are single-celled large and rod-shaped. It is these large rod-shaped bacteria that the paper has been exploring, putting together a comprehensive description of them as a group.

magnetic field lines

The magnetotactic bacteria will swim along the field lines. Image from wikimedia, source link below.

Samples of magnetotactic bacteria were collected from brackish water in the wonderfully named Death Valley Park in California. While many different types of magnetic bacteria were found, the rod-shaped ones were by far the dominant group. Having isolated a sample of exclusively rod-shaped bacteria, researchers could then examine the physical properties. All of the bacteria had a flagellum, a single little ?tail? used for propulsion. They contained different forms of the internal magnetic nanoparticles as well; some of the nanoparticles were made up of magnetite (Fe3O4 ? iron and oxygen complex) and some made up of greigite (Fe3S4 ? iron and sulfur complex).?The greigite nanoparticles were a range of different shapes while the magnetite crystals formed bullet shaped particles.

The type of nanoparticle that formed was found to be strongly related to the outside surroundings. When the bacteria were put into high sulphur growth medium, more of the greigite nanoparticles were formed. Conversely, when the hydrogen sulfide concentration was?artificially?reduced, more magnetite crystals formed.

magnetite particles

The two different types of nanoparticle in the same bacteria. Image adapted from the reference (below).

These samples were collected from brackish water rather than the marine environment that most magnetotactic bacteria are found in, which means that magnetic bacteria have diversified into a greater range of habitats than previously thought. Although some of the bacteria isolated ?contained exclusively magnetite or greigite nanoparticles, it seems a fairly safe bet that under different environmental circumstances they would be able to change which nanoparticle was made, to reflect the available elements. In both cases, an iron compound is required, but there seems to be no appreciable fitness difference between bacteria with the iron-sulfur compounds, or the iron-oxygen ones.

Genetic analysis showed that the genes for producing magnetite and greigite appear to be in two separate groups or clusters on the genome. Comparing these clusters to other bacteria that produce magnetite or greigite nanoparticles supports the idea that one contains genes that code for proteins required for manufacturing the bullet-shaped magnetite nanoparticles, while the other contains genes related to greigite production. Keeping the two different types on two seperate gene clusters allows them to be regulated differently, and respond individually to different environmental stimulus to ensure that whatever the surrounding environment, the bacteria will always be able to swim along geomagnetic field lines.


Credit link for fig. 1
Ref: Lefevre, C., Menguy, N., Abreu, F., Lins, U., Posfai, M., Prozorov, T., Pignol, D., Frankel, R., & Bazylinski, D. (2011). A Cultured Greigite-Producing Magnetotactic Bacterium in a Novel Group of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Science, 334 (6063), 1720-1723 DOI: 10.1126/science.1212596


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Friday, December 23, 2011

First Earth-size planets found around distant star ? in a bizarre solar system

For the first time, NASA's Kepler spacecraft has found two Earth-size planets outside our solar system ? a landmark achievement. But the planets are in a solar system that baffles scientists and could overthrow current models of planet formation.?

Scientists have found the first Earth-size planets orbiting a star like the sun, but the pair appear in a solar system so bizarre that it is for now upending current explanations for how solar systems form, the discoverers say.

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The two planets, thought to be rocky, form a kind of cosmic triple-decker sandwich, with each interspersed among three Neptune-scale gas planets. All five are closer to their host star than Mercury is to the sun, meaning they are too hot for life.

But the find is proof that NASA's Kepler spacecraft can find Earth-size planets orbiting distant stars.?Kepler 20e is slightly smaller than Venus, or about 0.87 times Earth's size. Kepler 20f is 1.03 times Earth's size.

Combined with the discovery, announced Dec. 5, of a "super Earth" in another star's habitable zone, these new planets move the Kepler team closer to its goal: detecting Earth-size planets in their stars' habitable zones ? orbital distances where temperatures on the planet are warm enough to allow water to remain stable on the surface.

The newest discovery is "the most important milestone" for the Kepler team, says Francois Fressin, a researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., and the lead author of the team's formal report, which is being published by the journal Nature.

Kepler uncovered the two Earth-size planets 1,000 light-years away by tracking the changes the brightness of light coming from their host star, Kepler 20, as the planets pass in front of it. Kepler 20e orbits its sun once every 6.1 days at an average distance of 4.7 million miles. Kepler 20f orbits once in 19.6 days at a distance of 10.3 million miles.?

Earth, by contrast, is 93 million miles from the sun.

The team doesn't yet have an independent confirmation of the planets' masses, but given their sizes and orbits,?the planets likely are rocky ? probably composed of silicates and iron, as is Earth ? according to?current models of how solar systems form.

Yet the arrangement of the five planets orbiting Kepler 20 is calling those models into question. It could be dubbed the Neptune/Rocky Horror Picture Show.

The configuration of the five planets ? Neptune-like planet, followed by small rocky planet, followed by Neptune-like planet, followed by small rocky planet, followed by Neptune-like planet ? is decidedly unlike anything yet seen.

"The architecture of that planetary system is crazy," says David Charbonneau, another researcher from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and a Kepler team member.

From centuries of studying our own solar system, astronomers had pieced together a convincing picture of planet formation. Rocky planets formed close to the sun, where temperatures were too warm to allow gases and ices to accumulate. Meanwhile, gas and ice giants formed beyond the so-called snow line, where temperatures even on the sunward side of objects could not unfreeze water and allowed gases to condense into liquids.

"We thought all solar systems would be like this," says Linda Elkins-Tanton, who heads the Carnegie Institution for Science's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism in Washington.

Extrasolar-planet hunters then found so-called hot Jupiters ? gas giants with Jupiter's mass and more ? orbiting close to their parent stars. But that still could be explained: The giants just migrated inward and forced the smaller rocky planets into the star as they came, Dr. Elkins-Tanton suggests.

"Now, with this new Kepler finding, comes a solar system that doesn't fit any mold we have," she says. "This system forces us to change out ideas about how planets are formed, and how they reach stable orbits, and where indeed in solar systems there could be Earth-sized rocky planets."

The Kepler team's announcement Tuesday coincides with an additional report released the same day by scientist claiming to have found two planets smaller than Earth orbiting a relic of a red-giant star some 4,000 light-years away. Although this second group is not part of the Kepler team, they used Kepler data to make their discovery.


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Does Twitter prove we're getting sadder? (The Week)

New York ? If our tweets are to be believed, happiness has become a dwindling commodity around the globe

Happiness is trending downward. That's what University of Vermont scientists have found by analyzing the "emotional temperature" of tweets from 63 million Twitter users since January 2009. Here's what you should know:

How was the study conducted?
Researchers analyzed more than 46 billion words from the tweets of 63 million people. Every word was given an "emotional temperature" on a scale of one to nine, with nine being the happiest. A word like "laughter" would get a ranking of 8.5, while "terrorist" got a 1.3. Once all the words were ranked, researchers looked for patterns related to the time, date, or location the tweets were posted from.

SEE MORE: Twitter's 'major' redesign: 4 talking points


What did researchers find?
Happiness, at least amongst people on Twitter, has been on the decline since April 2009. And unsurprisingly, people are happier on the weekend and less happy early in the week. Twitterers would also seem to be happier at night than they are in the morning. Researchers also noted drops in happiness related to specific events, like the tsunami in Japan.

Okay, but is Twitter really a good indicator of happiness?
Researchers think so. Twitter lets us look over the "collective shoulder of society,"?says the study's lead author, Peter Dodd. "Everything we say or write is a distortion of what goes on inside our head." He also notes that while Twitter once skewed young, it's increasingly ubiquitous among all age groups. But of course, happiness isn't everything.?"It might well be that we need to have some persistent degree of grumpiness for cultures to flourish,"?Dodd says.

Sources: PC Mag, Psych Central

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Obama admin pushes renewable energy on 2 coasts (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The Obama administration moved Tuesday to boost renewable energy on both coasts, approving onshore solar and wind farms in the West and pushing for offshore wind power in the Atlantic Ocean.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said his department has approved a 300-megawatt solar farm on public land in Arizona and a 200-megawatt wind farm in Southern California. The wind farm includes 186 megawatts that would be produced on federal lands.

The projects, southwest of Phoenix and east of San Diego, respectively, are the 24th and 25th renewable energy projects approved on public lands in the past two years, Salazar said, and demonstrate that the administration's commitment to renewable energy is paying dividends.

"Together, these projects will produce the clean energy equivalent of nearly 18 coal-fired power plants, so what's happening here is nothing short of a renewable energy revolution," Salazar said.

The Sonoran Solar Energy Project in Arizona, being developed by Florida-based NextEra Energy Resources, will generate enough electricity to power about 90,000 homes. The Tule Wind Project in California, developed by Iberdrola Renewables, the U.S. division of a Spanish energy company, will be able to power about 65,000 homes.

While onshore projects flourish, the administration's efforts on offshore wind have struggled. Not a single megawatt of wind power is produced offshore.

Last year, Salazar approved the Cape Wind project in Massachusetts after years of federal review, clearing the way for work to begin on the nation's first offshore wind farm.

On Tuesday, Salazar said officials are moving forward on a massive transmission project that would carry electricity produced at offshore wind farms from Virginia to New Jersey. Internet giant Google and others have pledged up to $5 billion for a network of transmission lines for offshore wind farms.

Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is soliciting interest from developers and seeking public comments on the project, which would involve building high-voltage transmission lines along the Atlantic Coast. The line would enable up to 7,000 megawatts of wind turbine capacity to be delivered to the grid, Salazar said.

The announcement comes a week after New Jersey-based NRG Energy Inc. said it is putting on hold a project that would have created a wind farm off Delaware's coast.

NRG said it is putting the project on hold because its Bluewater Wind subsidiary has been unable to find an investment partner. The proposed wind farm would have put 49 to 150 turbines about 13 miles off the Delaware coast.

The wind industry suffered another setback on Capitol Hill as Congress failed to extend a production tax credit, and a similar cash grant program for renewable energy, that supporters say has boosted the industry's strong growth.

A study commissioned by the American Wind Energy Association, an industry group, said failure to extend the tax credit could mean the loss of as many as 37,000 U.S. jobs.

Salazar has urged Congress to extend the wind credit, which expires next year, calling it a lifeline for domestic producers that could save tens of thousands of jobs and bring financial certainty to the renewable industry.

Rhone Resch, president of the Solar Energy Industries Association, called extension of the cash grant program even more crucial. The so-called 1603 Treasury grant program, approved under the 2009 economic stimulus law, provides cash grants worth 30 percent of costs for renewable projects. The program expires on Dec. 31.

"To keep the industry growing and creating jobs in the U.S., we need Congress to extend the 1603 program," Resch said, noting that the program has supported more than 22,000 renewable energy projects in 48 states. "The 1603 program has done more to expand the use of renewable energy than any other policy in U.S. history."

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., has said he plans to take up tax incentives for renewable energy early next year.


AP energy writer Matthew Daly can be followed on Twitter: (at)MatthewDalyWDC


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Runaway cart on field after Texas prep football game

Several people struck in bizarre scene after state championship played


updated 3:18 a.m. ET Dec. 18, 2011

ARLINGTON, Texas - A runaway electric cart raced unmanned from an end zone to midfield at Cowboys Stadium and plowed into several people after a high school championship game Saturday night, bowling over the winning head coach and several others.

An emergency medical technician who declined identification told The Associated Press that one man who was conscious and talking was taken to a hospital with an apparent leg injury. The Arlington medical technician said he had no further information on the man's condition but several others hit or grazed by the cart were checked out by emergency workers as they sprawled stunned on the field.

Separately, a Texas sports league official said a male staffer also was injured, not seriously, when the cart raced across field in a matter of seconds during onfield celebrations after the Texas 5A Division II football championship game. That official also declined identification.

The cart toppled Spring Dekaney coach Willie Amendola, who was being interviewed near the Cowboys midfield star, along with several others clustered about him moments after Dekaney had beaten Cibolo Steele 34-14. Hundreds of people were scattered about the field or were in the stands at the time.

Broadcast footage showed a stunned Amendola falling backwards into the cart's passenger seat as it continued rolling. He appeared to try unsuccesfully to gain control of the cart, spinning the steering wheel with his left hand, before rolling out onto the artificial turf. As he tumbled out, a pursuing field worker hopped aboard and stopped the cart quickly.

"We have a disturbance down the field. Apparently one of the carts on the field got loose and I think there have been some folks injured in this. Oh my! That's like a runaway cart there. And it finally took someone to stop it," a shaken announcer is heard commenting on air as the cart rolled and then stopped. "That's a scary thing."

Others were seen on the ground afterward as emergency personnel rushed up, including one man sprawled motionless while someone cradled his head. Nearby, others helped a visibly stunned man to his feet.

It was unclear why or how the cart began moving under its own power. Stadium workers were picking up fluorescent orange sideline yard markers and pylons in one of the end zones after the game when the cart unexpectedly took off.

During its race across the field, the cart appeared to roll over the legs of some of those onfield. Afterward, televised broadcasts showed Amendola conducting another interview with a small streak of blood on his left forearm.

An Arlington police dispatcher as well as a spokeswoman for Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital, where at least one injured person was reported taken, told AP they had no information to release early Sunday.

? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Newt's Odd Understanding of the US Constitution (Little green footballs)

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Democrats abandoning millionaire surtax proposal (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Democrats are abandoning their demand for a surtax on millionaires to help finance payroll tax cuts in a sign that lawmakers are trying to broker a compromise on Congress' highest-profile year-end dispute.

Even so, there is no clear path to quick bipartisan agreement on the legislation, which would prevent an automatic Social Security tax increase on 160 million workers and the expiration of jobless benefits for people out of work the longest. Both would occur Jan. 1 without congressional action.

Lawmakers are also embroiled in a squabble over a huge, separate spending bill, a dispute that would force a shutdown of most of the government on Saturday unless it is resolved. Neither party wants to risk the wrath of voters by shuttering government doors.

Republicans say they plan to try winning House approval for a $1 trillion measure financing dozens of agencies through next September.

But that means a conflict with the White House, whose communications director, Dan Pfeiffer, said President Barack Obama had problems with some social, environmental and other provisions in the legislation. Pfeiffer said Congress should approve a short-term bill to keep the government open while final disputes are resolved.

House Republicans officially unveiled the massive, bipartisan spending bill late Wednesday to fulfill transparency rules, but Senate Democrats had yet to officially sign on. However, the measure wasn't expected to change much, if at all, before a vote Friday, despite White House protests and an explicit veto threat regarding provisions placing limits on the ability of Cuban immigrants to visit families on the island or send money back to them.

The pre-Christmas wrangling caps a contentious year in a capital hindered by divided government, with Democrats controlling the White House and Senate while Republicans run the House. Lawmakers have engaged in down-to-the-wire drama even when performing the most mundane acts of governing, such as keeping agencies functioning and extending federal borrowing authority, tasks that are only becoming more politically delicate as the calendar nears the 2012 election year.

That finger-pointing was reflected Wednesday in some of the back and forth between party leaders.

"My friend is living in a world of non-reality," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who had suggested that Congress quickly complete its spending work. Reid said unresolved disputes made that impossible.

"The House has done its work. It's time for the Senate to do theirs," said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, referring to House approval this week of payroll tax legislation.

That bill drew solid opposition from Democrats and Obama in part because it would force work on the Keystone XL oil pipeline from western Canada to Texas Gulf Coast refineries, which Obama would rather delay. They are also unhappy that the bill is financed by cuts to civilian federal workers, Obama's health care overhaul bill and other programs that Democrats say would avoid meaningful contributions from the rich.

Senate aides said top Democrats are writing a new version of the payroll tax legislation that would exclude a 1.9 percent surtax on people earning more than $1 million a year, a levy Democrats relied on to pay for their previous payroll tax cut bills. Instead, they said, their new legislation's savings would include higher fees that government-run Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would charge to back mortgages and revenue from selling portions of the broadcast spectrum.

Republicans minimized the importance of the Democratic retreat on taxing high-income people.

"I don't think it's much of a concession," said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel. "It never had any chance of passing the Senate, let alone the House."

In one instance of cooperation, the Senate was expected to give final congressional approval Thursday to a $662 billion defense bill that would allow the administration to prosecute terrorism suspects in the civilian justice system.

The White House had initially issued a veto threat against the bill over language requiring the military to handle some terrorism suspects. An agreement was reached by including a provision ensuring that the role of domestic law enforcement agencies would be unchanged.

The bill, which the House approved Wednesday by 283-136, lays the groundwork for weapons purchases, U.S. military activity overseas and the Energy Department's national security programs. Reflecting a period of tight budgets and diminishing U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, the legislation envisions $27 billion less spending than Obama proposed ? money that will be supplied in separate legislation.

Also Wednesday, the Senate rejected rival Republican and Democratic proposals to amend the Constitution to require a balanced federal budget.

On the dispute over the giant spending bill, GOP aides have said that as a backup plan, they might push a short-term bill through the House financing agencies into January if they can't win enough support for the $1 trillion package.

Passage of the spending bill, by removing the threat of a federal shutdown, would take pressure off House Republicans to continue bargaining on the separate payroll tax legislation.

However, spotlighting the degree of disagreement between the two parties, they are even at odds over whether the $1 trillion measure is a bipartisan compromise or not.

Republicans and at least one Democrat said agreement had been reached earlier in the week. But the White House and Reid said disagreements remain, with Reid citing provisions relating to travel to Cuba and funding for the Commodities Future Trading Commission.

The spending bill would finance the Pentagon and nine other Cabinet-level departments, as well as scores of smaller agencies. It would trim the budgets of the Environmental Protection Agency, foreign aid and Congress itself while providing funds to combat AIDS in Africa, patrol the U.S.-Mexico border, operate national parks and boost veterans' health care.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Senate OKs $1T budget bill, payroll tax cut (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The Senate passed legislation Saturday extending a Social Security payroll tax cut and jobless benefits for just two months, handing President Barack Obama a partial victory while setting the stage for another fight in February.

It also brought a peaceful end to a year-long battle over spending by passing a $1 trillion-plus catchall budget bill that wraps together the day-to-day budgets for 10 Cabinet departments and military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The House passed the measure Friday, and the White House has signaled that Obama will sign it.

The renewal of the 2-percentage-point cut in the Social Security payroll tax for 160 million workers and unemployment benefits averaging about $300 a week for the additional millions of people who have been out of work for six months or more is a modest step forward for Obama's year-end jobs agenda.

As a condition for GOP support of the payroll tax measure, Obama has to accept a provision that forces him to decide within 60 days whether to approve or reject a proposed a Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline that promises thousands of jobs.

Obama didn't reference the pipeline issue in a brief appearance at the White House after the vote. He welcomed the Senate's passage of the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance extension and said it would be "inexcusable" for Congress not to extend them for the rest of 2012 when lawmakers return from their holiday break.

The budget bill, passed 67-32, heads to the White House for Obama's signature; the payroll tax measure won a 89-10 tally that send it back to the House ? where many Republicans only reluctantly support it ? for a vote early next week.

A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, would not predict whether the House would accept the Senate payroll tax measure, saying GOP leaders would have to discuss it with the rank and file. But Democrats assume Senate Republicans would not have allowed the short-term measure to advance without a signal from Boehner that the House would go along.

Democratic and GOP leaders opted for the short-term extension of the payroll tax and jobless benefits measure after failing to agree on big enough spending cuts to pay for a full-year renewal. The measure also provides a 60-day reprieve from a scheduled 27 percent cut in the fees paid to doctors who treat Medicare patients.

The $33 billion cost of the measure would be covered by raising fees on new mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The fees, drawn from a Treasury Department housing finance market reform plan, would effectively raise the interest rate on home loans guaranteed by the mortgage giants and the Federal Housing Administration by one-tenth of a percentage point.

The idea is to open up the market to private companies currently priced out by the implicit subsidies of Fannie and Freddie.

The White House says the fee would increase the monthly cost of a typical $220,000 mortgage by almost $15 a month. Over 30 years, the fees would increase the total cost of such a mortgage by more than $5,000.

In contrast, a worker making a $100,000 salary would reap a tax cut of about $330 through the two-month extension of the payroll tax cut. A worker with a typical $50,000 salary would get just a $165 tax cut.

Officials said that in private talks, the two sides had hoped to reach agreement on the full one-year extension of the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits that Obama had made the centerpiece of the jobs program he submitted to Congress last fall.

Those efforts failed when the two sides could not agree on enough offsetting cuts to blunt the measure's impact on the debt.

The failure tees up the issue again for early next year, but it won't get any easier to agree on spending cuts.

Neither House Speaker Boehner nor his aides participated in the negotiations, although McConnell said he was optimistic about the measure's chances for final approval. The payroll tax cut is unpopular in GOP ranks and another vote in two months could present a headache for GOP leaders.

On the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, the legislation requires the president to grant a permit unless he makes a determination that it is "not in the national interest." One senior administration official said the president would almost certainly refuse to grant a permit. The official was not authorized to speak publicly.

The White House on Friday backed away from Obama's earlier threat to veto any bill that linked the payroll tax cut extension with a Republican demand for a speedy decision on the proposed 1,700-mile pipeline. Obama said on Dec. 7 that "any effort to try to tie Keystone to the payroll tax cut I will reject. So everybody should be on notice."

The president recently announced he was postponing a decision on the much-studied pipeline until after the 2012 election. Environmentalists oppose the project, but several unions support it. The legislation puts the president in the uncomfortable position of having to choose between customary political allies.

The State Department, in an analysis released this summer, said the pipeline project would create up to 6,000 jobs during construction, while developer TransCanada put the total at 20,000 in direct employment.

The pipeline would carry oil from western Canada to Texas Gulf Coast refineries, passing through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma.

The spending bill locks in spending cuts that conservative Republicans won from the White House and Democrats earlier in the year.

Republicans also won their fight to block new federal regulations for light bulb energy efficiency, coal dust in mines and clean water permits for construction of timber roads.

The White House turned back GOP attempts to block limits on greenhouse gases, mountaintop removal mining and hazardous emissions from utility plants, industrial boilers and cement kilns.


Associated Press writers David Espo, Alan Fram, Donna Cassata and Jim Kuhnhenn contributed to this report.


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PFT: Peterson wants to play for fantasy owners

Jacksonville Jaguars v Atlanta FalconsGetty Images

Blaine Gabbert is playing so badly right now that the Jaguars may consider something practically unheard of in the NFL: Taking Top 10 quarterbacks in back-to-back drafts.

Gabbert?s horrible game in Thursday night?s loss to the Falcons has continued a horrible rookie season for the quarterback the Jaguars chose with the 10th overall pick in this year?s NFL draft. Gabbert is last in the league with a passer rating of 65.6, and he looks lost out there. It?s tough to see why the Jaguars? next coach, whoever he is, would want Gabbert as his starting quarterback.

So would the Jaguars, who will likely draft somewhere between the fourth and 10th overall picks, take a quarterback? It?s impossible to say right now, as we have no idea who the new coach will be or what kind of offense he?ll run. We also don?t know where new owner Shahid Khan stands on the matter, and whether he?ll take a hands-on or hands-off approach to the draft. But if Baylor?s Robert Griffin III or USC?s Matt Barkley is available to the Jaguars, they?d have to think long and hard about drafting one of them in the Top 10.

That almost never happens. The Cowboys used their first-round picks in 1989 and 1990 on quarterbacks Troy Aikman and Steve Walsh, but the 1990 pick was used in the supplemental draft. (The Cowboys traded Walsh to the Saints in 1990.) The last time a team used consecutive first-round picks in the regular draft on quarterbacks was in 1982-83, when the Baltimore Colts drafted Art Schlichter and John Elway. But that was a highly unusual circumstance in which neither one of those quarterbacks played for the team in 1983: Schlichter was suspended for the entire 1983 season, and the Colts traded Elway to the Broncos before he ever played a down for Baltimore.

Before the Colts, you have to go all the way back to the early 1960s Los Angeles Rams to find a team that used first-round draft picks on quarterbacks in back-to-back years. The Rams actually drafted quarterbacks in the first round three years in a row: Roman Gabriel in 1962, Terry Baker in 1963 and Bill Munson in 1964. But Baker was a college quarterback who played halfback in the NFL, so that?s not quite the same thing, either. Prior to those Rams, the last team to draft quarterbacks in back-to-back first rounds was the 49ers, who took Earl Morrall in 1956 and John Brodie in 1957. The 49ers traded Morrall to the Steelers before the 1957 season.

What does this history lesson tell us? NFL teams only take quarterbacks in back-to-back first rounds under the most extraordinary of circumstances. If Jaguars G.M. Gene Smith takes a quarterback in the first round a year after he took Gabbert 10th overall, he?ll be doing something NFL general managers just don?t do. But Gabbert might be bad enough to make the Jaguars do it.


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Friday, December 16, 2011

Game Controllers for Android Smartphones and Tablets (ContributorNetwork)

According to an infographic published on the Android Developers blog, more than 1 in 4 of the 10 billion applications downloaded on the Android Market have been games. That's roughly 2.5 billion games across all the Android gadgets. Where there are games, though, there are game controls, and compared to game consoles most Android devices are lacking.

The first Android smartphones lacked multitouch screens and needed a trackball or touchpad to play games. Today's tablets and smartphones let you use two thumbs on the screen at once, plus tilt controls. But the screens give no tactile feedback, and it's easy to lose your place at first since you can't feel where the edges are.

What's the solution? For many, it's a hardware game controller, which allows more responsive gameplay ... or at least lets you see more of the screen while you're playing. Many Android games work with controllers, and more are added all the time.

Here are a few kinds of controllers that are available:

The Xperia Play

Sony's "PlayStation Certified" Android smartphone isn't a separate controller that you can buy. It's a phone with a slider controller, instead of a slider keyboard. Instead of twin analog sticks (like PlayStation Dual Shock controllers), it uses two analog touchpads, but ridges in the plastic help keep your thumbs centered and guide you to them. It also has a D-Pad and shoulder buttons, to allow the Xperia Play to run PSOne games.


"The patented Zeemote controller" bears an uncanny resemblance to the Nunchuk part of a Wii Remote. It's held in a single hand, and has an analog stick on the top plus four thumb- and finger-triggers. It uses Bluetooth to connect to your Android device, and as of this writing there are "about 258" apps listed in the Android Market as being compatible with it.

Existing game console controllers

According to Droidgamers, it's possible to pair a SixAxis PlayStation 3 controller with certain Android devices. It works with "many of your favorite games and applications," according to the according to Brad Molen of Engadget.


Another tutorial on Droidgamers explains how to use your Android phone as a controller, in order to play games on an Android tablet. You need to have the DroidMote app installed on both the phone and the tablet a complex procedure to map out buttons to your games. On the plus side, it supports tilt controls and the Xperia Play's game controller.


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