Paul Christoforo
By Suzanne Choney
Paul Christoforo, the gaming hardware marketer who went from anonymity to infamy this week, irking thousands of gamers, appears to have reached the level needed for forgiveness: A huge helping of Humble Pie.
Christoforo, fired as a marketing representative for N-Control's Avenger controller attachment after treating a holiday customer quite poorly, then went onto to play hardball with his successor, who said on Reddit that Christoforo would not relinquish Avenger's "email addresses, website, and other assets" unless he got a new contract guaranteeing him continued pay.
Mois?s Chiullan, the new marketing guy, said that Christoforo told him, "If they don't give me what I want, it's war."
The war was being carried out all over the Web, not only on Reddit, but on Twitter and other public forums. Things seemed to reach a crescendo Friday with a story in the The Escapist. After msnbc.com made inquiries, emails from both Christoforo and Chiullan?arrived at the same moment.
"N-Control and I do not detract or take back the statements made on Reddit, but the situation has changed substantially since the ...? story was written," said Chiullan in the email to msnbc.com. "We have come to an understanding with Mr. Christoforo regarding the assets and records in question, and he is being very forthcoming in restoring our access across the board. He wants all of this to stop, and so do we. We're glad that all concerned are going into the new year on the right footing."
And this was what we heard from Christoforo: "I think it's fair to say I have been through enough and I am trying to put this behind me and move forward and I am quite seriously losing my sanity over all this," he said in an email. "It's very unhealthy from myself and my family to have to go through this."
More on this game industry soap opera from msnbc.com's In-Game:
Source: http://ingame.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/12/30/9837665-disgraced-gamer-pr-guy-says-uncle
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