Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Occupy the Dollhouse!

A: You need to address these issue with yourself, then your children?not your sister. Your sister and her husband have more money than you do. That usually translates into having a bigger house, nicer cars, fancier vacations, more toys for the kids. Live with it. Unless they are constantly flaunting their wealth?which you don't mention?you, and your children, need to understand that good and bad fortune is not distributed equally. Sure, their cousins may have more stuff than they do, but you need to remind them they have more stuff than their friends [fill in the blank]. Explain that's life, and if the absence of an American Girl doll is one of their biggest heartaches, then that means all of you are lucky?even if seeing their cousin's two, two, two American Girl dolls really can be annoying. Your sister's children may get a generous allowance, but I love the lessons they are teaching their kids about it: They earn it through chores; they are putting some away for their own future; they are giving another percentage to those less fortunate; and if they save their money wisely over a long time (18 months for a little girl!) they can enjoy the result. I think you need to take a page from your sister's parenting book and instill some worthy lessons in your own kids.


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