Tuesday, August 28, 2012

You Know About Swimming Pool Contractors Lighting

Swimming pool contractors know every element of pool development and will know how to fix or substitute anything on your pool that needs to be done. Quite often, the excellent of perform that Swimming Pool Contractors do is far excellent to what a subcontractor does. Also, when you begin modifying out the floor and dealing, you begin to want to create other changes in your pool while it is under development.

Another inclusion that people want to put on their swimming pool is a spa. Maybe at the time that they designed their pool, they did not have resources for it. Now they are recognizing that they want a heated, healing atmosphere to rest in. This is not a hard accomplishment for swimming pool contractors as although there is development with electric and water system elements engaged, they have plenty of encounters doing it.

Pool Lighting

Safety is the area of utmost concern when deciding on swimming pool lighting, however considering the vastness of opportunities provided by the clean lined architecture of water bodies and the affects that can be achieved because of the illumination in water; this still remains the area of utmost interest.

There are various factors which have to be taken into consideration as a pre requisite when we are designing for the lighting of a pool, and the most important one is the provision of RCCB for the entire area which incorporates the pool. This is something which usually remains ignored by the contractors and swimming pool being a industry at nascent stage in Indian scenario, nevertheless this is the most vital component of the entire swimming pool lighting as this is what ensures the safety of the bathers against the leakage of current in the event of system malfunction.

With large swimming pool areas, fluorescents light sources are a great way of achieving the appropriate light levels needed for the space. Whether linear or compact, fluorescents provide great volumes of light whilst helping you to be energy efficient. Swimming pool lighting provides a range of opportunities because of the voluminous space they offer. We have variety of options starting from the normal halogen lamps and ending at the latest technologies like fiber optic and LED's. Fiber optics and LED's offer us the opportunity to light up the pool in linear strip pattern as well as dotted pattern, the latest one of the two is LED as the consumption of electricity is less and the life of bulb is also longer.

Creative lighting can enhance every experience. This should include scene setting which is now available through wired, wireless or remote lighting controls allowing the user total flexibility over their environment. The other important aspect that needs to be addressed by the contractors is the placement of the lights , as at times the similar lights with slightly innovative perspective to their placement provide entirely different get up to the pool , for instance providing the entire lighting of an infinity pool on the wall opposite to the vanishing edge wall- lightens up the vanishing edge of the water at the top , but hides the source of light from the people sitting on the deck, hence giving totally different character to the entire landscape, with the feel of an enigma.

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In Korea, Samsung's loss to Apple puts innovation in spotlight

Samsung lost a key patent infringement case brought by Apple over mobile technology. The case may force the Korean electronics giant to focus more sharply on innovation, analysts here say.

By Donald Kirk,?Correspondent / August 26, 2012

A couple walk past a store selling Samsung Galaxy smartphones in Seoul August 26. Apple Inc's decisive triumph over Samsung Electronics in the most closely watched patent trial in years could open the door for Microsoft Corp to finally hop on board the mobile boom as manufacturers of Android-based smartphones and tablets weigh their legal risks.

Lee Jae-Won/Reuters


The battle of Samsung Electronics and Apple, the two global leaders in mobile devices, gets at the heart of innovation versus creativity in Korea?s rise as an industrial powerhouse since the Korean War.

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Samsung Electronics, the loser in a milestone patent infringement case brought by Apple, was ordered Friday to pay $1.05 billion for violating Apple?s patents on I-phone and I-pad technology. Samsung is vowing, however, to fight to overturn the verdict of the nine-person jury in a federal court in Cupertino, Calif., near Apple?s global headquarters.

Whatever the final outcome, the case may force Samsung to focus more intensively on innovation, according to analysts here.

Samsung should ?stop fighting it,? says James Rooney, chairman and CEO of the Seoul advisory firm Market Force. ?It?s time to stop copying others. Samsung would be far better advised not to fight it. To continue fighting it is to give themselves a bad name.?

Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee, the head of a sprawling empire that accounts for 20 percent of South Korea?s economy, has periodically called on his army of executives and engineers to ?shift from copying to innovation.?

Intrinsic in Korea?s rise as an industrial power from the devastation of the Korean War has been the drive to imitate whatever worked for major economies, notably Japan and the United States.

In recent years, however, Korea has been bursting with creativity in fields ranging from motor vehicles to music as epitomized in K-Pop groups with global followings. ?There is a huge capacity to create,? says Mr. Rooney, ?They?ve been schooled so much in the other way of doing things. Copying has been the backbone of Korea?s economic growth since the 1960s.?

The jury in California, after deliberating for three days on a wide range of complicated issues and questions, came out with the unanimous verdict that Samsung had infringed on six of seven of Apple?s patents for mobile phones. The jury flatly rejected Samsung?s countersuit in which it had asked for $421.8 million in damages.

Although the award of $1.05 billion in damages for Apple was far less than the $2.5 billion Apple had asked, the amount seems almost incidental when balanced against Apple?s desire to keep Samsung from intruding on its markets with Apple-like products in Samsung packages.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/zWjSz7DmtEU/In-Korea-Samsung-s-loss-to-Apple-puts-innovation-in-spotlight

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Phobia ? There's Nothing Simple About It | Health and Fitness for ...

Starting a new job, sad to a singular region, Christmas feast amid relatives or unification a resident beat ought to produce zilch besides but clear emotions ? yet for particular of us they can be sold for on covered amid sweat palms and to facilitate dry means of access idea. Sure, you hanker after to facilitate new family unit. You?re all excited on essence on your own but the minute you notice the finance credentials, these overwhelming stomach churning sensation present up.

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Source: http://healthandfitnessteenagers.mxgator.com/phobia-theres-nothing-simple-about-it/

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Incoming Perelman School of Medicine Students Start Medical Careers with a Short White Coat AND an iPad

PHILADELPHIA ? On Friday, August 10, 2012, 163 first-year students at Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania will begin their medical careers when they receive their short white coats and start their journey into learning the art and science of healing. However, for the first time in school history, in a nod to the way in which mobile technology is changing both education and the practice of medicine, Penn Medicine will also equip these budding doctors with an Apple iPad 3. The new program represents the latest step in a 15 year technology investment by the School to bring medical curriculum into the digital age, and enables students to have access to a multipurpose learning tool that they will use throughout medical school, in the hospital, with patients, and beyond.

iPad technology adds a new dimension to medical education as the students start their journey with the time honored tradition of the White Coat Ceremony. The devices will replace 20,000 sheets (40 reams) of black-and-white printed class notes per student, serving as both an e-reader and a delivery system for animated, full-color images of the human body, with the capability for real-time updates to the course curriculum.

At the conclusion of the annual White Coat Ceremony, equipped with their short white coats, stethoscopes, and iPads, old and new symbols of medicine, the entire class will recite the Hippocratic Oath, pledging to treat the ill to the best of their abilities, preserve each patient's privacy, and to teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation.

WHERE: Zellerbach Theatre
Annenberg Center
University of Pennsylvania
3680 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
WHEN: August 10, 2012
WHO: Panel participants will include:
  • 3:05 p.m. ? J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD, executive vice president of the University of Pennsylvania for the Health System and dean of the Perelman School of Medicine, presents welcoming remarks.
  • 3:15 PM - Keynote address, Overcoming Paralysis, presented by Cindy W. Christian, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
  • 3:40 p.m. ? White coats presented by Gail Morrison, MD, senior vice dean for Education and director of the Office of Academic Programs, and Stanley Goldfarb, MD, associate dean for Curriculum
  • 4:40 p.m. ? Incoming class recites Hippocratic Oath


Penn Medicine is one of the world's leading academic medical centers, dedicated to the related missions of medical education, biomedical research, and excellence in patient care. Penn Medicine consists of the Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (founded in 1765 as the nation's first medical school) and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, which together form a $4.3 billion enterprise.

The Perelman School of Medicine is currently ranked #2 in U.S. News & World Report's survey of research-oriented medical schools. The School is consistently among the nation's top recipients of funding from the National Institutes of Health, with $479.3 million awarded in the 2011 fiscal year.

The University of Pennsylvania Health System's patient care facilities include: The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania -- recognized as one of the nation's top "Honor Roll" hospitals by U.S. News & World Report; Penn Presbyterian Medical Center; and Pennsylvania Hospital ? the nation's first hospital, founded in 1751. Penn Medicine also includes additional patient care facilities and services throughout the Philadelphia region.

Penn Medicine is committed to improving lives and health through a variety of community-based programs and activities. In fiscal year 2011, Penn Medicine provided $854 million to benefit our community.


Source: http://www.uphs.upenn.edu/news/News_Releases/2012/08/white-coat-ceremony/

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Internet and Business Online

Posted by admin on August 21st, 2012 |

Search engine optimization plays a key role in web surfers finding and landing on your page so attention should be paid to optimization and of course, you want to gear that towards the heavy hitters like Google, Bing and Yahoo. But you also want to make sure that your optimization is not only cuddling up to the search engines, but is also targeted to the audience you are looking to engage.

Discovering and defining your target audience is essential. Web browsers are finicky and won?t spend absorbent amounts of time on pages that are not interesting. Therefore you have a big task at hand when developing your traffic generator. Optimizing your domain, locating your audience and then keeping them coming back time and again are the key things to accomplish when blogging or owning a website.

Using Keywords As Your Traffic Generator

Once you have a solid idea of who you are targeting then it is time to think about optimizing and here is where many would be successful bloggers and domain holders fail miserable. Doing some research beforehand will prove to be essential. Optimization rests wholly in the key phases that you incorporate within your website and its domain and it is how people find you. It also influences your ranking on search engine sites. Thus, if the key words or phrases are not properly chosen, it is likely your site may never be found and will not be an effective traffic generator for you and your products or services.

There are some amazing tools available to help in your phrasing and word choices such as Keyword Discovery and WordTracker and it is highly recommended that you utilize them before choosing optimization words for your site. Keywords will impact on your ability to develop a traffic generator. When selecting your phrases, you have to find a good balance between unique and doable. Difficult words to spell and too common words should be avoided at all costs.

If a searcher can?t spell what they are looking for, they won?t find your website and if you choose a word such as ?women? the search results are in the millions and you will still get lost in the Internet abyss. Play around with these tools at length and find out what people are typing into their search engines and which words get the best results; then find a way to tailor those words and make them stand out.

Source: http://www.riskmanagement-events.com/internet-and-business-online.html

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Video: New Romney ad criticizes Obama?s welfare policy

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Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/vp/48757251#48757251

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Ryan softens abortion stance as step in 'right direction'

In Flight Between Roanoke, Va., and Raleigh, N.C. - Although Paul Ryan has taken the position that all abortions, even in the case of rape and incest, should be outlawed, the Wisconsin congressman supports Mitt Romney's softer position now that he shares the GOP presidential ticket because it's a "good step in the right direction," he said today.

Romney believes abortion should be legal in cases of abortion or incest, or when the mother's life is in danger. Ryan's previous position only extended exceptions to protecting the mother's life.

"Look, I'm proud of my record," Ryan said at a brief news conference on his plane. "I'm proud of my record. Mitt Romney is going to be president and the president sets policy. His policy is exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. I'm comfortable with it because it's a good step in the right direction."

He wouldn't say he regretted abortion legislation he co-sponsored with Rep. Todd Akin of Missouri, explaining that he is "proud of my pro-life record I have."

"That bill passed, I think, by 251 votes," Ryan said. "It was bipartisan. I think HR-3 is the one you are talking about. I think we had 251 votes, 16 Democrats, I am proud of my pro-life record I have."

The legislation was co-sponsored by Akin and Ryan and also 225 other members of the House. The measure would have ensured no federal funds even indirectly supported abortions performed nationwide.

An earlier version of the measure had sought to redefine rape for purposes of exemption of the funding ban under the Hyde Amendment, drawing sharp criticism from women's rights groups and Democrats. The language would have allowed for subsidized abortions only in cases of "forcible rape," and limited exempt cases of incest to only those involving minors, although that provision was dropped from the bill.

Meanwhile, Ryan called Akin earlier in the week to try to persuade him to get out of the Missouri Senate race after his controversial comments about rape and abortions. Ryan said he wanted to keep their conversation "between us."

"But I agree with Roy and Jack Danforth [the former U.S. senator] and the rest of the people from the Missouri delegation, current and former, that he should have dropped out of the race," Ryan said. "But he is not, he is going to run his campaign and we are going to run ours."

He said he has "no plans" to talk to Akin again.

Obama campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith today said that as a "Republican leader in the House, Paul Ryan worked with Todd Akin to try to narrow the definition of rape and outlaw abortion even for rape victims. He may hope that American women never learn about this record, but they deserve an answer to why he wanted to redefine rape and remove protections for rape victims."

Before this flight, Ryan today campaigned in the city of President Obama's "you didn't build that" remark last month, seizing the opportunity to remind small business owners there that such comments explain "why our economy's not growing like it should. It tells us the mindset that he's using to lead our government."

Introduced by the man who refused to let Vice President Joe Biden hold a campaign event in his bakery last week, the Republican vice presidential running mate said, "There's this guy I've known for a number of years; I'm going to be talking to him in mid-October," Ryan told a crowd of more than 1,000 people in the parking lot of a hardware store, a reference to the Oct. 11 vice presidential debate.

"Joe Biden, you might have heard of him. He just said that the middle class is coming back. We've got 23 million people out of work, struggling to find work today, unemployment has been above 8 percent for 42 months, and the real unemployment rate is more like 15 percent.

"He said last summer was going to be the summer of recovery. It's a summer later and it's still worse. He said that the private sector is doing just fine, we need more government. This is President Obama's imaginary recovery. It's not here."

Get more pure politics at ABCNews.com/Politics and a lighter take on the news at OTUSNews.com .

It was the president who said the "private sector is doing just fine," not Biden and Obama quickly clarified his comments when they created a firestorm earlier in the summer.

Chris McMurray, owner of the Crumb and Get It bakery, introduced Ryan today, telling members of Biden's advance team that it was "nothing personal," but he didn't want to hold Biden's event there, vaulting him into local Republican stardom.

"You may remember a month or so ago our president stood in this very city and he proclaimed the message that if you have a business, you didn't build it," McMurray said. "We are gathered here today to send the message to the Obama-Biden team that we did build it."

Ryan said the comments are indicative of the president's "philosophy of government."

"Here in Roanoke, where he did say if you have a small business you did not build that someone else did, but it's an explanation," Ryan, dressed in his signature blue shirt and khakis, said. "It tells us why our economy's not growing like it should. It tells us the mindset that he's using to lead our government. It tells us that he believes in a government-centered society with a government-driven economy. That doesn't work. It never has worked."

Speaking in Roanoke last month, the president pushed the importance of continued government investments in public services and infrastructure on which many U.S. businesses rely to succeed.

"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. ? Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business - you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen," Obama said at a Roanoke fire station.

Republicans have seized on the line "you didn't build that" consistently since the words came out of his mouth to claim that Obama was speaking directly to business owners about their businesses, instead of focusing on the community and infrastructure that helped owners build their businesses.

As he has since joined the Romney ticket more than a week ago, Ryan also sounded a populist tone, criticizing both Republicans and Democrats. This time it was for the tax code, describing it as a "mess" and pledging to make it fairer.

"The tax code punishes all those qualities that make us great - saving, investing, working, taking risks," Ryan said. "What has happened over the years because of both political parties, Republicans and Democrats alike, have put in so many interest group loopholes, have been picking winners and losers through government regulations, through government spending, and through the tax code. We've got to clean that mess up."

Ryan's trip to Roanoke marked the fourth day of campaigning here in the 12 days he has been a candidate. In 2008, Obama won Virginia, the first Democrat to win the state in a presidential race since 1964. Both campaigns see it as part of their pathway to victory and Ryan's focus on the state shows how determined the Romney campaign is to flip the state back to red.

"I've been coming to Virginia a lot these days, if you haven't noticed that," Ryan said "It is not too late to ignite the American dream. We can do this. We need the leadership now. We need to win this election. And Virginians of all people have a unique responsibility and an opportunity to deliver Virginia and save the American idea."

Also Read

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/paul-ryan-softens-anti-abortion-stance-good-step-171207381--abc-news-politics.html

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

5 Warning Signs of Ineffective Security

Most cars nowadays come with driver and passenger airbags. It's a great safety feature that's helped save numerous lives since installing them routinely has become the norm. But sometimes, though it is rare, airbags fail to deploy even when circumstances arise where they should. Ask yourself: How would you know the difference between an airbag that works compared to one that doesn't?

Source: http://ectnews.com.feedsportal.com/c/34520/f/632000/s/229535bc/l/0L0Stechnewsworld0N0Crsstory0C759510Bhtml/story01.htm

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Moore helps Rays blast Angels

Associated Press Sports

updated 7:45 p.m. ET Aug. 19, 2012

ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) - The Tampa Bay Rays made Felix Hernandez's perfect game look even more impressive by roughing up the Los Angeles Angels during an impressive four-game series sweep.

Matt Moore shrugged off home runs by Mike Trout and Albert Pujols to win his fourth straight decision, and the Rays beat the fading Angels 8-3 on Sunday.

Tampa Bay tagged Zack Greinke (1-2) and outscored the Angels 37-14 in the series - setting a franchise record for runs in a four-game set. The offensive barrage immediately followed Hernandez's gem for the Mariners on Wednesday.

"I really believe that's a testament to our players and the way they are able to put things in the trash can immediately afterwards if something bad happens," manager Joe Maddon said. "If you carry negativity around with you, nothing good can happen. So we just put it in our rearview mirror, then came out and played great down here."

Angels starting pitchers were 2-6 with a 7.57 ERA and allowed 13 homers during their 10-game homestand, forcing an injury-depleted bullpen to eat up 35 1-3 innings. In this series, Greinke, Dan Haren, Jered Weaver and C.J. Wilson combined to give up 27 earned runs and six homers in 17 1-3 innings.

"I have all the respect in the world for them and their pitchers, but they had to face David Price, James Shields, Alex Cobb and Matt Moore - and they didn't even get a chance to see Jeremy Hellickson," Maddon said. "I mean, they're good and they're formidable, but you have to beat good teams and good pitching to go to the promised land."

Ryan Roberts hit a two-run homer and Matt Joyce and Carlos Pena also drove in two runs apiece for the Rays. Tampa Bay won the season series 9-1 for its best showing against the Angels in the club's 15-year history.

Saturday night's 10-8 win, which Pena helped decide with a pinch-hit two-run homer in the eighth inning against Kevin Jepsen, made the Rays the first visiting team to beat the Angels after trailing by at least eight runs.

"Tampa had grit. We had them down 8-0 yesterday and they just didn't give up," Los Angeles outfielder Torii Hunter said. "That's a good ballclub over there, and their pitching staff is even better. They've probably got one of the best teams in the league, and they did what they had to do. They came in here and took four from us, which is tough to do with the ballclub we have. But the way we're playing right now, it's not hard."

The Angels are a season-worst nine games out of first place in the AL West after their 13th loss in 18 games, and trail Baltimore by 4 1/2 games for the second wild card in the AL.

"We've just got to wait our turn. Things have been going the other team's way lately, and the results have not been good, but we're just going to keep fighting," Hunter said. "I'm disappointed in the way we're playing, but we do have heart. We're going to play the game the right way and let things take its course."

Moore (10-7) allowed two runs and five hits in 6 1-3 innings. The 23-year-old left-hander is 9-2 with a 2.79 ERA over his last 14 starts, including a 3-0 win on July 28 at Anaheim to begin his winning streak.

Greinke gave up six runs and seven hits over six innings in his fifth start for the Angels, who acquired the 2009 AL Cy Young Award winner from Milwaukee for three prospects. He struck out eight and walked four.

The 28-year-old right-hander has allowed at least four earned runs in four consecutive starts for the first time in his nine-year career. He also dropped a 2-0 decision to the Rays on July 29 in his Angels debut.

The Rays grabbed a 4-0 lead in the second when Greinke hit No. 9 hitter Elliot Johnson on the leg with the bases loaded on his first pitch to him. Greinke forced home another run with a two-out walk to B.J. Upton before Joyce capped the burst with a two-run single.

"Elliot gets hit by the pitch and then B.J. gets the walk - those were the signature at-bats today, even though they didn't get hits. They were great at-bats," Tampa Bay star Evan Longoria said.

Moore had gone eight starts and 56 2-3 innings without allowing a home run until Trout led off the fourth with his 24th. But Roberts responded in the fifth with a drive into the left-field bullpen to extend Tampa Bay's lead to 6-1.

Moore gave up two-out singles to Erick Aybar and Vernon Wells in the fifth and appeared to be out of the jam when Bobby Wilson hit a foul pop. Catcher Jose Molina camped under it about 10 feet to the right of the plate, but first baseman Pena collided with him and elbowed him in the head as the ball popped loose, and Pena was charged with the Rays' only error of the series. Molina was checked out by a trainer and allowed to continue.

Moore walked Wilson on the next pitch, loading the bases, but retired Trout on a fly ball.

Pujols hit his 28th homer and 473rd of his career in the sixth, putting him two away from tying Stan Musial and Willie Stargell for 28th place.

NOTES: The Rays' previous record for runs in a four-game series was 35, in August 2007 against Oakland. ... The Angels activated RHP Jordan Walden from the disabled list after he missed 32 games with a biceps strain. He faced four batters in the eighth and struck out three. ... LHP Hisanori Takahashi was optioned to Triple-A Salt Lake, leaving Downs as the only lefty in the Angels' bullpen. Downs came off the DL Saturday after missing 20 games because of a shoulder strain.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Chad Billingsley combined with two relievers for a three-hit shutout to win his sixth straight start, rookie Luis Cruz homered for the second game in a row and the Los Angeles Dodgers beat the Atlanta Braves 5-0 on Sunday.

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Washington Redskins vs. Chicago Bears: What We Learned About the 'Skins

Eleven things we learned from the second preseason game for the Washington Redskins:


Robert Griffin III remains on the right track

It was a mixed bag for RG3. He was sacked three times and had a fumble, but the protection wasn't very good. A fumble is never excusable, but he was merely trying to escape and was blindsided. It wasn't as bad in reality as it was on paper.?

He still looked poised in the pocket and rarely panicked. That he still completed five of his eight passes under that pressure is positive. His decision-making wasn't great, and 'Skins fans would prefer to see him take fewer hits, but it was the exact kind of performance you'd expect this early.?

Oh, and we finally saw him take off a few times. As expected, he looked good as a runner, yet he only attempted to run when absolutely necessary. Good discipline.


Kirk Cousins could force the Shanahans to consider dumping Rex Grossman

There's no questioning Cousin's arm strength, but very few could have seen this coming. The rookie fourth-round pick was remarkably accurate and efficient against Chicago's second-teamers, posting a 154.1 passer rating.?

He completed 18 of 23 passes, had three touchdowns and didn't get picked or sacked.?

I highly doubt Mike and Kyle Shanahan would want to start the season with two rookie quarterbacks leading the depth chart, but if something were to happen to Griffin, I think right now I'd prefer to see Cousins, not Grossman.


They'll make room for Aldrick Robinson, and maybe even Dezmon Briscoe

I realize that four receiver spots are already locked up, which means that keeping Robinson and Briscoe would spell the end for Anthony Armstrong and Brandon Banks. But at this point, you can't deny Robinson, who was the best receiver on the field Saturday night.?

Robinson was targeted seven times and made six catches for 104 yards to go along with a touchdown. We didn't see much of Armstrong, but he's had plenty of opportunities and hasn't delivered. Same goes for Banks, at least as a receiver.?

Briscoe had 51 yards and a touchdown catch. He, Robinson and Niles Paul looked great against second- and third-teamers. I'd love to see them give it a go against first-teamers next weekend when the 'Skins host the Colts.?

If I'm Shanahan, I'm letting Briscoe and Armstrong battle for the final roster spot.


Alfred Morris isn't going anywhere

The rookie sixth-round pick is still listed fourth on the depth chart, but he got the start against Chicago and once again ran aggressively and productively. He was bouncing off tackles and hitting holes hard on the first series of the game.?

Morris was less effective as the game progressed. His last three carries were either for one yard or no gain. But the Bears' defense isn't shabby, and the guy's still green. I don't expect his average to be very high this year, but I do expect him to play a key role on offense. And keep in mind that the run blocking from a patchwork offensive line left a lot to be desired.

Tim Hightower and Roy Helu are hurt, but there's still a lot to be positive about when looking at the Washington backfield. Morris and Evan Royster both looked good Saturday night. The 'Skins have lots of options.


What the offensive line did against Buffalo wasn't a good indication of what was to come

They protected well and opened up some holes in the preseason opener, but the patchwork line struggled Saturday night. Griffin was under pressure far too often, and Morris was running into brick walls. Trent Williams didn't have his best game, and Adam Gettis, Josh LeRibeus and Tyler Polumbus delivered poor performances.

Gettis and LeRibeus have an excuse. They're rookies being thrown to the wolves because of injuries. Polumbus embarrassed himself.


The secondary has work to do

Cedric Griffin was beat deep by Brandon Marshall on the first play of the game, and it often appeared too easy for Jay Cutler and Jason Campbell.

Griffin and Brandon Meriweather both had problems on Chicago's opening touchdown drive, while DeAngelo Hall was beaten twice and had a missed tackle on the final series of the first half.


The first-team run defense is in good shape

Even without London Fletcher, the 'Skins bottled up Matt Forte quite successfully. They gave up a few big gains later, and the tackling (or lack thereof) on Michael Bush's touchdown was a lowlight, but Chicago still didn't have a run all night that went for more than 10 yards.


The pass rush is going to be good

The 'Skins were pretty good at getting to the quarterback last year, but they should be even better this season. They got good pressure on Cutler, regardless of the fact they didn't sack him. Then they took Campbell down three times on 18 dropbacks.?

Brian Orakpo left with a shoulder injury, but Ryan Kerrigan and Perry Riley stepped up with a sack each, and Jarvis Jenkins also notched one. It's encouraging that they still brought heat without Orakpo. Riley and Jenkins are wild cards this season, and both looked good.


The defense again failed to capitalize?

They might get pressure and sacks, but this D continues to struggle at getting takeaways. It's an issue they had all last season, and it hasn't gone away. Redskins defenders dropped three would-be picks against the Bills, and Saturday night Josh Wilson had a terrible drop on a ball Cutler threw right at him.

Later, Richard Crawford made a great play on a pass breakup that also should have been an interception.


Brandon Banks is at least making things difficult for Mike Shanahan

Banks isn't good enough to make this team as a receiver, and Shanahan has said that'll be necessary if he wants to make the final 53. But he brought a punt back for a touchdown against Chicago. If no one else can step up on returns, Shanahan might have to consider finding a spot for Banks.


Kick return coverage could be something to watch

Eric Weems had a 48-yard return in the first half, and Lorenzo Booker took one to the house from five yards inside his own end zone. Greg McCoy also had a 25-yard return, which is above average.?

Source: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1303248-washington-redskins-vs-chicago-bears-what-we-learned-about-the-skins

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4 Afghans, 3 NATO troops killed in holiday attacks

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan ?

The carnage in Afghanistan continued unabated on a major Muslim holiday on Sunday, as attackers killed two pairs of brothers with links to the government and three NATO service members.

The targeted killings are part of a spate of similar attacks on those associated with the government, further complicating efforts by international forces in country to hand over security responsibility to Afghans as foreign combat troops withdraw.

In the first attack, a bomb hidden in a cemetery in the southern province of Helmand killed a police chief and his brother who were visiting a family grave for the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

Seven of the men's family members were wounded in the early-morning blast in the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah, said Helmand Deputy Police Chief Ghulam Rabbani.

No one immediately claimed responsibility, but the attack was consistent with the Taliban's strategy to target authorities and others who align themselves with the government or international forces.

The two men were brothers of a lawmaker for Helmand province, Abdulwadood Popal, who was not at the cemetery at the time of the blast. The family was visiting the grave after morning prayers for the holiday, which ends the month-long Ramadan fasting period.

Then in Farah province in the west, gunmen on a motorcycle opened fire on the car of an intelligence service official as he was driving home from a family visit, killing him and his brother who worked for the customs service.

Another relative was wounded, provincial deputy police chief Ghulam Ghows Malyar added.

Meanwhile in the east, NATO forces said that three international service members were killed in a bomb attack, without providing further details. At least 41 international troops have been killed so far this month in Afghanistan.

In a speech marking the holiday, President Hamid Karzai condemned the repeated insurgent attacks that took place during Ramadan.

"The enemies of Muslims ... during the holy month of Ramadan treated the nation of Afghanistan cruelly: bombs, explosions in mosques, suicide attacks in mosques," Karzai said.

If the Taliban were not responsible for such attacks, he said, they must disavow them.

"If you are not behind this, it is being done in your name. As Muslims, as Afghans, raise your voice and say that you did not do it," he appealed.

In a message ahead of Eid al-Fitr, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar instructed his fighters once again to avoid killing or wounding Afghan civilians.

"Employ tactics that do not cause harm to the life and property of the common countrymen," he said in an eight-page message released to news organizations last week. The Taliban have said previously, however, that they do not consider those who collaborate with the government to be civilians.

Targeted killings of Afghan civilians have surged this year, according to the United Nations. Civilian deaths from targeted killings and assassinations jumped 34 percent for the first six months of 2012 to 255 killed, from 190 in 2011, the U.N. said in a report issued earlier this month.

The U.N. report said 1,145 civilians were killed and 1,954 injured during the first half of the year, most of them by militants.

Also on Sunday, officials said that an airstrike by coalition forces in the northeast killed a large group of Taliban fighters and a local insurgent leader. At least two dozen insurgents were killed in the attack in Kunar province, said NATO forces spokesman Maj. Martyn Crighton.

Kunar Gov. Sayed Fazlullah Wahidi said the strike killed as many as 50 insurgents who had massed in a remote area of the province. He said it was not clear why they had gathered.


Shah reported from Kabul, Afghanistan.

Source: http://feeds.seattletimes.com/click.phdo?i=ed46af278de82213c6de45e3a9d238ab

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Pleasure Your Taste having Vegetables Juice Recipes | FoodsA-Z ...

To ensure that you to obtain the benefits of juicing vegetables you must research on the particular fruit and vegetable that will target your problem area. Some vegetables juice recipes might not be safe for your state. You have to be certain you will get the right mix to be able to pinpoint the main problem. You need to find out your objectives for drinking or even taking the vegetables juice recipes. Through understanding the effects, you could supply value and have motivation for juicing.

Including corn on your vegetables juice recipes will give you carbs, enhance metabolic process, create brand new cells and reduce the likelihood of kidney difficulties as well as other kidney disorder and macular deterioration. It can detox the body. It is additionally a good source of folate that's best for women that are pregnant along with pantothenic acid, thiamine and ascorbic acid. Remember to prevent putting corn within your vegetables juice recipes if you have a high blood sugar.

Corn vegetables Juice Recipes

5 medium ears of corn


Carrots are also noted for its anti-oxidants and ability to reduce the chances of most cancers.

You may also try including lettuce on your favourite vegetable juice recipes to make them more efficient.






Choose how numerous you'll prepare to make proportions based on the number of people who will partake of the juice.

Lettuce is great in solving anemia, constipation. it could reduce the chances of hair loss, along with reduce the chances of sleeplessness. It can also reduce the chances of issues with the liver organ as well as the central nervous system and may help in weight reduction. It is also a good source of chlorine, iron, magnesium, calcium as well as potassium and silicon.

Beets are generally a different preferred vegetable that's been proven to be great for fighting most cancers cells. It provides a twist to vegetable juice recipes. Make sure to choose smooth beets. Don't juice beets when they are by now too soft. Remember to never drink the beet juice alone since this is able to temporarily paralyze the vocal chords and may increase the heartrate and trigger chills or fever if used alone. Often put other vegetables or even fruits if possible apple juice.


2 medium beets

3 carrots

2 celeries

Consume the juice immediately to be able to retain the rich enzymes. Beets are effective cleansers of the body and are effective in cleaning the blood and kidneys, however they must still be used moderately and really should be combined with other fruits. Prevent combining broccoli with beets because of the oxalic acid compound located in the beets that can't be combined with any food that's rich in calcium.

You can find hundreds of vegetables juice recipes on the internet. All you have to do is research and take notes on what will work and what should be combined collectively to prevent combining any vegetables that will counteract the ability of the other.

I am sure that there are benefits of homemade tomato juice recipes that you need to know. Simply take a look at www.juicing4you.com for more details.

Source: http://foodsa-z.blogspot.com/2012/08/pleasure-your-taste-having-vegetables.html

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Boundary Street Collision Center: Complete automotive repair facility

Saturday, August 18, 2012
Boundary Street Collision Center: Complete automotive repair facility

Welcome to The Beaufort Tribune. If you're new here, please click here to receive an email update once each day to our latest news articles including MugFaces. Thanks for visiting!

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All repairs come with a lifetime written guarantee, given to you at the completion of our repair.

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Boundary Street Collision Center is an authorized repair facility and we work with all insurance companies.

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Beaufort, SC 29902

Monday ~ Friday 8:00am ? 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am ? 12:00 (by appointment)

phone: 843.379.6900
fax: 843.524.6700

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Source: http://beauforttribune.com/archives/81107

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

UN Chief Condemn?s Iran?s Anti-Israel Rhetoric

Posted Saturday, August 18th, 2012 at 1:45 am

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sharply rebuked Iran's supreme leader and president Friday, describing their latest anti-Israel rhetoric as ?offensive and inflammatory.?

At a rally Friday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamadinejad told thousands of screaming worshippers at Tehran University that a new Middle East would have no trace of Americans or Israelis.

Earlier this week, Iranian media reported that Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Israel would one day be returned to the Palestinian nation and would cease to exist.

Secretary-General Ban's statement said that all leaders in the region should use their voices to lower, rather than to escalate tensions.

President Ahmadinejad's remarks Friday were made during Quds day, on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.

Israel considers Iran to be a looming threat because of its nuclear and missile programs. Tehran denies it has a weapons program.

Source: http://blogs.voanews.com/breaking-news/2012/08/18/un-chief-condemns-irans-anti-israel-rhetoric/

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Red Letter Edition - LIVE! 08/19 by TRI Communications | Blog Talk ...

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Source: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/tri-communications/2012/08/19/red-letter-edition--live

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Friday, August 17, 2012

FAN FEST: Meet Cyclone Sports Teams

Fans of Iowa State athletics will get the chance to meet some of their favorite athletes this weekend.

Sunday is the annual Cyclone Fan Fest. This year it?s at Hilton Coliseum from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The event is free and open for all ages.

Fans will be able to meet and get autographs from football players as well as Coach Paul Rhoads.

Kids can shoot hoops with the basketball teams, practice serving with the volleyball team, putt with the golf teams or run in the football obstacle course.

There will also be inflatable attractions, carnival games and more.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48704365/ns/local_news-des_moines_ia/

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Suspect in Mariners outfielder death released

Associated Press Sports

updated 10:07 a.m. ET Aug. 16, 2012

AMSTERDAM (AP) - A Dutch court has ordered the brother of slain former Seattle Mariners outfielder Greg Halman provisionally released after prosecutors joined the defense in asking for his acquittal on manslaughter charges.

Jason Halman is believed to have fatally stabbed his older brother after the two quarreled about loud music in the early hours of Nov. 21, 2011. During Jason Halman's trial, psychiatrists said he was having a psychotic episode at the time of the killing, which took place in an apartment they were sharing in Rotterdam.

Judges at the Rotterdam District Court are expected to rule on Aug. 30.

Greg Halman hit .230 in 35 games for the Mariners in 2011.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Rangers beat Yankees to avoid 4-game sweep

NEW YORK (AP) - Craig Gentry turned a spot start into a tiebreaking hit and the Texas Rangers avoided a four-game sweep in a matchup of AL division leaders, rallying past the New York Yankees 10-6 Thursday.

Source: http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/48689789/ns/sports-baseball/

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Photographic cholesterol test

Photographic cholesterol test [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Aug-2012
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Contact: N.R. Shanker
Inderscience Publishers

A noninvasive approach to total cholesterol determination

Researchers in India have developed a total cholesterol test that uses a digital camera to take a snapshot of the back of the patient's hand rather than a blood sample. The image obtained is cropped and compared with images in a database for known cholesterol levels.

Writing in the International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, N.R. Shanker of the Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology and colleagues describe how they have developed a non-invasive way to test cholesterol levels in patients at increased risk of heart disease. Their approach is based on the creation of a large database of cholesterol levels recorded using standard blood tests and linked to a standardized photograph of the hand for each patient; cholesterol is concentrated in the creases of one's fingers. They developed an image-processing computer program that compares the image from a new patient with the thousands of entries in the database and matches it to a specific cholesterol reading.

Measuring the amount and type of cholesterol circulating in the blood is an important risk factor in cardiovascular disease. Excess cholesterol not used by the body in making hormones and building cells is laid down on the inner wall of arteries as a waxy plaque, which can reduce the normal flow of blood potentially causing heart problems and increasing the risk of cerebral stroke. Total cholesterol is a useful early indicator, although more detailed testing that distinguishes between the HDL high-density lipoprotein) and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and triglycerides are needed for a more accurate health assessment of patients found to have high total cholesterol. It is LDL, so-called "bad" cholesterol that contributes to the formation of arterial plaques, atherosclerosis. The presence of different total levels of cholesterol can be revealed through image analysis of the skin.

A non-invasive and inexpensive method for cholesterol screening would allow this risk factor be determined in much larger patient populations without the need for costly and inconvenient blood tests. The team will also soon publish details of the extension of this work to classifying cholesterol type using their approach.


"Non-invasive method of detection of cholesterol using image processing" in Int. J. Medical Engineering and Informatics, 2012, 4, 223-230

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Photographic cholesterol test [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 17-Aug-2012
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Contact: N.R. Shanker
Inderscience Publishers

A noninvasive approach to total cholesterol determination

Researchers in India have developed a total cholesterol test that uses a digital camera to take a snapshot of the back of the patient's hand rather than a blood sample. The image obtained is cropped and compared with images in a database for known cholesterol levels.

Writing in the International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, N.R. Shanker of the Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology and colleagues describe how they have developed a non-invasive way to test cholesterol levels in patients at increased risk of heart disease. Their approach is based on the creation of a large database of cholesterol levels recorded using standard blood tests and linked to a standardized photograph of the hand for each patient; cholesterol is concentrated in the creases of one's fingers. They developed an image-processing computer program that compares the image from a new patient with the thousands of entries in the database and matches it to a specific cholesterol reading.

Measuring the amount and type of cholesterol circulating in the blood is an important risk factor in cardiovascular disease. Excess cholesterol not used by the body in making hormones and building cells is laid down on the inner wall of arteries as a waxy plaque, which can reduce the normal flow of blood potentially causing heart problems and increasing the risk of cerebral stroke. Total cholesterol is a useful early indicator, although more detailed testing that distinguishes between the HDL high-density lipoprotein) and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and triglycerides are needed for a more accurate health assessment of patients found to have high total cholesterol. It is LDL, so-called "bad" cholesterol that contributes to the formation of arterial plaques, atherosclerosis. The presence of different total levels of cholesterol can be revealed through image analysis of the skin.

A non-invasive and inexpensive method for cholesterol screening would allow this risk factor be determined in much larger patient populations without the need for costly and inconvenient blood tests. The team will also soon publish details of the extension of this work to classifying cholesterol type using their approach.


"Non-invasive method of detection of cholesterol using image processing" in Int. J. Medical Engineering and Informatics, 2012, 4, 223-230

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-08/ip-pct081712.php

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CDC to baby boomers: Get tested for hepatitis C

(AP) ? The government is recommending all baby boomers get tested for hepatitis C.

Anyone born from 1945 to 1965 should get a one-time blood test to see if they have the liver-destroying virus.

It can take decades to cause liver damage, and many people don't know they're harboring the blood-borne virus. Baby boomers account for about two-thirds of the 3.2 million Americans thought to be infected.

Previously, testing was recommended only for people considered at highest risk. It's most commonly spread today by sharing needles to inject illegal drugs.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention proposed the new guidelines earlier this year and made them final on Thursday. CDC officials took the step after seeing a near doubling of hepatitis C deaths since the late 1990s.



CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/C/index.htm

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-08-16-Hepatitis-Baby%20Boomers/id-4a71f907e21d464da7a08cdf483ba14a

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EU considering cigarette logo ban to deter smoking

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is considering banning logos on cigarette packs as part of an upcoming review of its law to deter smoking, a spokesman said on Thursday, a day after Australia's highest court upheld a similar ban.

The Australian court dismissed a legal challenge to the government's ban, in a case filed by British American Tobacco, Britain's Imperial Tobacco, Philip Morris and Japan Tobacco.

The ruling means that starting in December, all cigarette packs sold in Australia will brandish plain olive packaging.

The EU will publish a draft revision to its 2001 Tobacco Products Directive in the fall, and may introduce more stringent rules on packaging as well as extend legislation to newer tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes.

"Many things are being discussed, including the possibility of plain packaging," Antonio Gravili, a spokesperson for the European Commission, told a news briefing.

Printing larger graphic images on cigarette packs of the diseases linked to smoking is another option, Gravili said.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says smoking is "one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced".

Smoking causes lung cancer, which is often fatal, as well as other chronic respiratory diseases. It is also a major risk factor for heart diseases, the world's number one killers.

The WHO predicts smoking could kill 8 million people every year by 2030 if governments don't take more action to help people quit.

The EU's 2001 Directive required all member states to ensure that cigarette packs carry text health warnings and in 2005 the Commission recommended a series of graphic images to illustrate health risks. Most EU countries have since adopted these pictures.

Once the directive's revision is completed, it will need the approval of the EU's 27 countries and over 700 members of the European Parliament before it can become law.

Anti-smoking lobbies in Brussels say plain packaging could prevent the young from getting hooked because a cigarette brand can become a badge in the same way that sports shoes and mobile phones can.

Tobacco firms say a packaging ban would infringe on their intellectual-property rights and boost sales of fake or illegally imported cigarettes.

In the EU, Britain has worked the most to make plain packaging national law.

The British government finished a four-month consultation on plain packaging last week. It is expected to make a decision on whether to push ahead with legislation this year.

A lawyer who advises companies on the draft legislation said companies could oppose the ban on grounds that it prevents free trade because manufacturers outside Britain would have to change packaging for the British market.

"If there was a European-wide initiative on plain packaging then this would reduce the scope of a challenge," said lawyer Paul Medlicott at law firm Addleshaw Goddard.

Figures from the Global Tobacco Surveillance System, a group set up by the WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, show that Europe has the world's highest rate of smokers aged 13-15.

(Additional reporting by David Jones and Kate Kelland, editing by Alessandra Rizzo)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/eu-considering-cigarette-logo-ban-deter-smoking-150631462--sector.html

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Presidential Quotes About The Bible

quotes on the Bible by PresidentsThis being an election year I thought that a reminder concerning our Christian heritage would be appropriate. So I compiled a list of presidential quotes on the Bible from many of the Presidents of the United States. Please do your part to remind people about our heritage by sharing these quotes with your friends and family and those who are on your social networking sites. Between all of us, we can still turn the tide of secularism in this country.

?Do not let any one claim to be a true American if they ever attempt to remove religion from politics.? -?First President of the United States ? George Washington

?We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We?ve staked the future of all our political institutions upon our capacity?to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.? -?Fourth President of the United States & founding Father ? James Madison

?That I am not a member of any Christian church is true; but I have never denied the truth of the Scriptures; and I have never spoken with intentional disrespect of religion in general, or of any denomination of Christians in particular?.I do not think I could myself be brought to support a man for office whom I knew to be an open enemy of, or scoffer at, religion.? ? Abraham Lincoln

?Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet-anchor of your liberties; write its precepts in your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide in the future. Righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people.? -?Ulysses S. Grant

The whole inspiration of our civilization springs from the teachings of Christ and the lessons of the prophets. To read the Bible for these fundamentals is a necessity of American life. -?Herbert Hoover

?A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.? ? Theodore Roosevelt

?Of the many influences that have shaped the United States into a distinctive nation and people, none may be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible.? ? Ronald Reagan

?I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good of the Savior of the world is communicated to us through the Book.? ? Abraham Lincoln

?When you have read the Bible, you know it is the word of God, because it is the key to your heart, your own happiness, and your own duty.? ? Woodrow Wilson

?I have always said and always will say that the studious perusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens, better fathers, better husbands? the Bible makes the best people in the world.? -?Thomas Jefferson

?The fundamental basis of this nation?s law was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teaching we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. I don?t think we emphasize that enough these days. If we don?t have the proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in the right for anybody except the state.? -?Harry S. Truman

?The study of the Bible is a post-graduate course in the richest library of human experience.? ? Herbert Hoover

?The Bible is the Rock on which this Republic rests.? -?Andrew Jackson

?My custom is to read four or five chapters of the Bible every morning immediately after rising? It seems to me the most suitable manner of beginning the day? It is an invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge and virtue.? -?John Quincy Adams

?Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.? -?Ronald Reagan

?I have a very simple thing to ask of you. I ask every man and woman in this audience that from this day on they will realize that part of the destiny of America lies in their daily perusal of this great Book (the Bible).? -?Woodrow Wilson

Will you join me and the many Presidents of the United States in daily Bible reading.

I am asking all of you to join me in what President Woodrow Wilson asked of us. Will you join me from this day on in daily Bible reading? The Bible and it?s place in our society is under attack. This is in part because believers in Jesus have not openly and publicly modeled a habit of daily Bible reading. It is time for that sin of omission to stop. So will you join with me in making it a habit of daily Bible reading either at work, or at school or at least in the privacy of your own home?

If you are willing. Leave me a comment below.


Pastor Duke

This post was written by

Duke ? who has written 551 posts on Taber's Truths Christian News and Commentary.
I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ, the father of 3 great kids, the pastor of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Pine Haven Wyoming and the owner of Taber's Truths. I have been a believer in Jesus for 33 years. In ministry for over 20 years and was formerly the secretary treasurer of White Pine Ministerial Association. I am an alumnus of LIFE Bible College and Multnomah Biblical Seminary. Follow Pastor Duke's Google Profile


Source: http://taberstruths.com/presidential-quotes-about-the-bible-35018/

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