Friday, August 10, 2012

How To Get Rid Of The Labeling Of Addicts

Drug personalities or addictive personalities are artificial. How does a person end the deception, ingratitude, lying, and the drug seeking behavior? How does a person shed the alcoholic or addicted label for life? An intelligent evaluation of the situation will reveal that the drug personalities and the "alcoholic" or "addict" labels are artificial; they are not natural conditions.

Einstein once said the kind of thinking that produced the problem is diverse from the kind of thinking that's required to solve it. Simply put, alcohol and drug abusers need to gain innovative ways of thinking, new abilities and skills through addiction treatment - and have these now reside in themselves, to be able to stay happy, sober, and clean with their new lives.

Training these people to gain new abilities and develop new talents is the route to independence. It is also the best way to end a person's addiction.

There are a number of approaches to alcohol and drug rehabilitation:

? The typical approach is the traditional counseling or medical method in addition to the 12-Step approach. This believes that once you are an addict, you will always remain an addict. The only way to handle your addiction is through meetings, on-going counseling, medication, and some unspoken miracle because this approach has a success rate of less than 22%. While counseling and medications are necessary, we do not believe addiction to be a life sentence. Probably the labeling of alcohol and drug abusers as "alcoholics" and "addicts" explains why more people do not flock to traditional rehabilitation. Alcohol and drug abusers do not want to acknowledge the "alcoholic" or "addict" label.

? Another more practical approach is where a person improves their abilities and skills to have the ability to living a satisfying life without using alcohol or drugs. Soaring above it is the most sought after approach - this technique is real, it does exist. They need help attaining improvements because this level of ability is situated above their ability.

If you do not want your family member to be dependent on drugs, advisors, or other healthcare professionals throughout their existence, this is the best time to discard those beliefs that say, "They must be dependent on others," simply because that is most likely why many alcohol and drug abusers resist addiction treatment.

The fundamental question a person asks when choosing a strategy to end a drug or alcohol abusing pattern is, "What is possible to alter this behavior?" The decision pursues the question. This may be totally simplistic, but this is not the basic pattern of question & answer that follows nearly all people's reasoning. Family members often search for available programs after which they fit their loved one right into the system, expecting that it will fix them. That is not the way it works.

Counselors and support groups may be crutches. Several self-help groups actually enforce false conditions of addiction, although a lot of the right and bonding actions taken are helpful. What alcohol and drug addicts need are new skills, abilities, and the confidence to get rid of drug and alcohol dependency, fulfill their dreams, and succeed in life. They have to get rid of their addictive personality and artificial labels.

Deon Carlisle is a writer on topics about addiction treatment in Elk Grove and features of addiction treatment in Joliet.


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