Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Benefits of Enrolling in Community College After High School

If you plan to go to community college, you could be making a great choice. Whether you want to eventually go to a university or simply want your associate?s degree, you may like what you find when you go to a smaller school. Learn the benefits of attending this kind of institution.

The main advantage of enrolling in community college is the cost savings. In most cases, each credit hour is a lot less expensive than the typical university. This means you might not have to take out loans since many people simply work a part-time or full-time job to pay as they go. Even if you do need loans or scholarships to get through school, they will be in much smaller amounts than most universities require. You can usually at least get all your basic education requirements out of the way before transferring to a university that offers your desired major. This is why many people go for two years, and then transfer when they are done with basic courses.

In fact, it is not unusual for a community college to offer more than associate?s degrees these days. Some also have bachelor?s degrees, meaning you might not have to transfer, provided your school has the major you are interested in. You should find out what the smaller colleges near you offer before you make any plans to transfer to a larger school in the future. You may end up getting everything you need for less money than you assumed when you are able to get your degree without transferring.

Even if you do have to go to a university in the future, you will find another benefit of starting with community college is the smaller atmosphere. Some recent high school graduates get overwhelmed at universities due to the large number of people and huge campuses. This can cause unnecessary stress and even contribute to a high dropout rate. If you are worried about this, you may find a smaller campus with fewer students more appropriate. Once you get used to that, you can move to a larger option to finish your education with confidence.

If these benefits appeal to you, it is time to start looking at schools in your city. Of course, you can always move elsewhere if you do not have many options near you. These days, you can get a lot more out of community college than you may have previously assumed. Researching your choices will tell you all the additional facts you need to know.

When you are looking for a great education at a lower cost than four-year schools, consider finding a Michigan community college. Visit for more information.


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