Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sweeping US-EU trade talks to start in July

ENNISKILLEN, Northern Ireland (AP) ? A top European Union official says talks on a sweeping new free trade agreement between the EU and the US will begin next month.

Jose Manuel Barroso, head of the EU's executive arm the Commission, said Monday at the G-8 summit in Northern Ireland that the deal could offer "huge economic benefits" for both sides of the Atlantic.

U.S. President Barack Obama added a deal would be "a priority of mine" and that he was "confident we can get it done."

Negotiations would focus on lowering tariffs and rules that hinder the trade of goods and services and is seen as a way of promoting new growth and jobs amid an uncertain global recovery.

Summit host British Prime Minister David Cameron said the trade pact could create 2 million jobs.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/sweeping-us-eu-trade-talks-start-july-145010969.html

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