Available for devices on Ice Cream Sandwich and up, with Gingerbread support in the works
There is no shortage of podcast applications in the Play Store, and everyone seems to have a favorite. Features and UI are usually the deciding factors for users when choosing an app to listen to their favorite podcasts. Player FM's initial release (version 1.0.0) includes an attractive UI and some of the same features that any good podcast app should have: feed subscriptions with show notes and stats, automatic syncing and downloads, and an offline player. What this new app really brings to the table is the way it presents new content to podcast listeners.
Instead of users hunting for new podcasts to listen to, Player FM offers an aggregated group of shows that can be chosen by topic. For example, if the topic 'Android' is chosen, a user can play a list of shows from different feeds that all relate to our favorite mobile OS. If a new favorite show is found while playing that topic, it can be subscribed and listened to in its entirety. Users should keep in mind that this is a first release, so some caveats do apply. Details can be found after the break.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/PGn53wf9DNk/story01.htm
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