Monday, April 22, 2013

Summer In Fort Mcmurray -

The sun is shining; the birds are singing in the trees, the streets are alive with the sound of children playing. There's lots to do, and no need to worry about money. When summer hits Fort McMurray you might just think you've found paradise.

For many people, especially males in their twenties and thirties, the decision to relocate to Fort McMurray was purely a monetary one. Canadians from all around the country move here in their thousands each year due to the promise of high wages and steady jobs within the oil industry. Fort McMurray is, after all, situated in the centre of one of the world's largest deposits of oil sands. And while it is true that many choose to come here on a temporary basis, coming here alone and staying either in camp grounds, hotels or one of the many furnished apartments in Fort McMurray, and working for no longer than 12 months before going back to their friends and families, many choose to relocate here on a long term or even permanent basis, bringing their families with them and becoming part of the ever growing community.

Obviously the work opportunities play a large part in the decision, but it is also likely that the abject beauty of the area and the vibrant community spirit are also factors. Yes, it's a great place to work, but there is increasing emphasis by local communities to make Fort McMurray and the Wood Buffalo Municipality great places to live. This is none more apparent when summertime hits. The whole area is surrounded by picturesque boreal forests that become lush and green once the sun begins shining. It's ideal country for taking long, exploratory walks down the winding nature trails. The crystal clear and tranquil waters of the River Alberta are perfect for a spot of fishing, with fishing lodges being available for hire. The great outdoors don't get much greater than they do in Wood Buffalo.

During summer, the city (or urban service area as it's technically known) comes alive and the community spirit becomes self-evident. The Hotels and luxury yet affordable rented apartments in Fort McMurray become full of workers and tourists visiting each week for the many family friendly festivals that take place over the summer period. There's the interPLAY performing arts festival, which showcases the best of the areas music, dance, theatre, comedy and film and has been entertaining revellers in Fort McMurray every August for the past 20 years. Then there's Nexen CanadaRocks festival, which showcases some of Canada's biggest musical acts. Wood Buffalo's newest festival, Big Spirit, celebrates Aboriginal and World Music and has an emphasis on all things green, providing a refreshing contrast to the not-so-green oil industry that often characterizes the area.

Despite the fact that much of the economy is based around oil production, Fort McMurray and the Wood Buffalo area is surprisingly ecologically minded, probably because the area is so beautiful and they wish to keep it that way.


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