Friday, June 1, 2012

10 healthiest drink milk law

Poured into the pot of boiling that burned in. this product can be invigorating spleen and kidney, moisturizing dryness, Yifei, apply to Cartier Handbags cough, asthma, back pain and fluid bowel constipation, dryness, and could serve as a disease of deficiency, neurasthenia, sexual dysfunction, chronic bronchitis, constipation in the elderly patients with meals. drinking on an empty stomach or junior food may sooner or later.3. milk soup with mutton. Mutton 250 grams, and Ginger 20 grams, and Yam 100 grams, and milk 250 ml. will mutton wash net cut small block, ginger cut tablets, together put into sand pot, plus water moderation, smolder stew 7-8 hours, mix, removal is not black residue, left mutton soup, joined slice Yam, Cook black, then pour milk, burning open to. this products temperature supplement virtual, Yi fine supplement gas, applies Yu disease Cartier Handbags Hou (postpartum) limb cold, and tired, and shortness of, syndrome. can daily min number times clothing food, even clothing 5-7 days for a course. clothing this party Shi should not be while eat other drug , Food supplement in the morning once a day the best jujube Lotus millet porridge (millet, 60 grams, jujube 10, Lotus
18 g all boiled into porridge).4. ginger, chives and milk soup.Leek 250 grams, and Ginger 25 grams, and milk 250 ml. will leek, and Ginger cut broken, and stamp black, to clean gauze stranded take juice, then pour pot within, plus milk boiled to. this products can temperature gastric health spleen, applies Yu gastric cold type gastric ulcer, and chronic gastritis, and gastric Givenchy Handbags cavity pain, and vomiting,, can Yu daily sooner or later taking. another has a ginger juice milk, with ginger juice 10 grams, and sugar 20 grams, and milk 200 ml, mixed uniform boiled is into. this products can Yi gastric, and drop inverse, and check vomiting, applies Yu pregnancy vomiting cannot eating of women.5. milk jujube soup.500 ml milk, jujube 25 grams, 100 grams of rice. boiled rice and jujube with porridge, and then add the milk, boil, invigorating Qi, invigorating the spleen and stomach, applies to the Burnout of deficiency, deficiency of qi and blood disorders.6. milk porridge. 250 ml of fresh milk, rice 60 g, sugar amount. rice
Cook into half cooked, to soup with, joined milk, smolder Givenchy Handbags Cook into porridge, joined sugar mixing, full dissolved is into. sooner or later warm clothing food, note preservation, not metamorphic. can supplement virtual loss, health spleen and stomach, run five Zang-organs. applies Yu weak strain, and blood insufficient, and disease Hou virtual win, and frail, and nutrition bad, syndrome. by dairy processing factory production of milk porridge has multiple formula, formed sweet, and salt, different flavor. its sterilization time short, nutrition loss less.7.-made skim milk.Will milk Cook open, static reset number hours, removed above a layer cream (is fat, this method General can removed 80% of fat) is into. this products for Yu feeding suffering from diarrhea, and dysentery, and enteritis, intestinal disease of infant. due to removed fat of milk with heat low, lack vitamin-a, and d,, available other food added, illness Hou should continues to feed full fat milk.8. milk tea. Milk tea in the same can be said are the traditions of the peoples of the world. South China who like to drink and sweet
Taste of milk black tea, and Xinjiang, and in Inner Mongolia, and Tibet people is love drink with savory of tea (brick + milk). tea of modulation method is: first with water immersion tea, and take to it pour into boiled of milk in the. as plus sugar or plus salt, is can under personal of taste and will. milk in the plus tea yihou, makes both unique of fragrance thaw Yu one, nutrition components mutual added, suppression has milk of smell and tea of bitter taste, drinking up taste more rich, and long. tea can to greasy, and help digestive, and Yi thought refreshing, andDiuresis, detoxification and elimination of fatigue, also suitable for acute and chronic colitis, gastritis and duodenal ulcer patients drink. poisoning of alcohol and narcotic drugs, it can also make a detoxification.9. the egg and milk. First-the eggs hard-boiled, removing the shell, albumen, yolk ground with a spoon, add milk mix. egg yolk not including contains protein, fat, vitamin a, also contain substances such as iron, phosphorus. This applies

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?roda, 30 maja 2012 10:30

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