Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Video: Micro apartments become large trend

>>> finally tonight, san francisco has the high es housing prices in the country. now they're trying something new. apartments that are not a whole lot bigger than a ministorage unit.

>> when wayne and terra got married, they knew they would be close. but when wayne moveded into her 280 square feet studio, they took shareded space to a whole new level.

>> it's like living in a hotel room .

>> this is their bedroom, living room , kitchen, closet, all carefully laid out. it has to be.

>> it's a puzzle. we were able to pare down and rotate clothes.

>> down the street, patrick kennedy is putting in a building with 23 microapartments, 300 square feet each.

>> just how big is 300 square feet ? about the size of a full size parking spot. and the city is considering shrinking the minimum size to just 220 square feet , about the size of a small rv. opponents worry about overcrowding. but the trend is spreading. in new york city , the city is holding a design contest.

>> there is a changing demographic, a need for a different kind of housing model.

>> my tv's back here.

>> beth hennessy downsized from a three bedroom house in.o now living small and loving it. kristen dahlgren, nbc news, san


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