Saturday, November 24, 2012

The installation and use of the cell phone jammers should reference ...

If this fear reaches a certain extent, though there was no need to repeatedly view, but you can not control, and to whom and painful, and it may become obsessive-compulsive disorder, also hearing voices that will become the ?jammers syndrome . ? To change this state, First of all, do not worry too much about it and afraid to be calm to face occasionally did not receive any phone call or SMS, and gradually develop a sense of confidence and calm state of mind and habits.
Yu Xiaohui Tan jammers operating system: build own industry chain is the key, with the gradual penetration of smart terminal, jammers operating system has gradually become a key hub for the development of mobile Internet. Chief Engineer of the Telecommunications Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Yu Xiaohui core technology is still the weak link of the industrial chain of China?s operating system, and establishing an independent industry ecosystem is critical. Facing the terminal market penetration rate of 200%, and the development of the mobile Internet has entered an era of take-off. Currently, global shipments of smart jammers growth rate of more than 50% per year, the mobile terminal has fully entered the era of intelligent.
China Mobile Research Institute Bill Huang, given a set of data: the next decade, network traffic will increase by 1000 times, and terminal market will be faced with the penetration rate of 200%. ?Everyone looks forward to intelligent terminals with powerful computing capability.? Bill Huang said. According to the research, the shield is no longer a communication tool, 60% of the jammers and communication is no longer. The shield has brought a huge change to our way of life. As China Mobile chairman Wang Jianzhou said.
The jammers terminal to become one of the three DNA of the mobile Internet. Jammers operating system is a key hub for the development of mobile Internet. Operating system into the ?Warring States? era, the importance of the operating system of the jammers have been self-evident, the battle of the operating system is also on the rise. ?However, the pattern of the operating system is not yet formed, jammers unlike the PC era operating system can quickly establish a monopoly system, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Skype and so involved, will grow in the future about what kind of pattern, and also to be seen.? The chief engineer of the Telecommunications Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Yu Xiaohui said. In this regard, the vice president of China Mobile Zhengmao that: ?At present, the mobile operating system, is facing major challenges and opportunities in the post-PC era, the rise of mobile intelligent terminal operating system into the Warring States Period, who is the winner remains to be seen.?
Gartner data show that in 2011, Android?s market share will reach 38.5%, iOS will reach 19.4%, to reach 5.6% WP, but Gartner analysts expect Symbian and RIM accounted for 32.6% in 2015, both market share will decline rapidly to 11.2%, while Android and WP will be improved. Samsung jammers in the third quarter of recent shipments of more than the Apple iPhone, again disrupt the market structure. Establish an independent industry ecosystem is critical therefore, China should seize market opportunities, and actively develop their own operating system.


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